In the WTF Catagory.

Apr 17, 2009 23:38

Okay, at work I have the usual cast of co-irkers.  Several very right wing conservatives, and others or just bigoted assholes.  I decided the first week I was there to not be out at work because the environment there was very hostile to gay people.  It is one of the reasons I dislike my job.  My whole day there is one big game of let's pretend.

9 months ago we got a very surly custodian, hereafter called asshole.  His stellar moment for me was when he defended  the guy who shot all those people in Kirkwood.  Apparently, the city of Kirkwood had an elaborate conspiracy against this murderer and when the truth came out it would be justifiable homicide. The asshole is a very large african american man.

He has taken to cleaning and lock the bathrooms around eight (we close at nine). Asshole barks at the customers and sends them to the desk so we can take them all the way downstairs to the bathrooms.  This is in fact a lot of work for the desk staff during a time when we can be very busy.  One night I asked him about it and he got in my face and told me they were staying locked and he didn't care how the customers got to the bathroom.  Furthermore, it was not his problem.  I did complain about this to my boss and she had only excuses for him.  This has become an ongoing issue that has been simmering along .

Well, today she called me into her office to ask me to quit harassing asshole.  This man could pulverize me with a few good blows, but I am picking on him.  Also, that he felt I had made homophobic comments about him and another co-worker.  I did comment on a co-worke'rs nice tie.  The co-worker said he had dressed up for himself, I said, "Just dressing up for yourself."  It was a said with no malice or suggestion of anything other than he looked good.  Asshole (again more conspiracy) is convinced I was trying to suggest that he and tie guy had something going on.  What?

I was so upset I told my boss, "How can I be homophobic, I am a fucking lesbian?" 
"And speaking of homophobic do you realize how hard it is to work with such a homophobic group of people?"

Boss left today looking rather addled.  But hey that is why she makes the big bucks.

I feel so crappy about all of this, I need a new job desperately.

homophobic, library

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