Shadowrun: Portland, Tir Tairngire
Mika: Katie
Lindir: Rachel
Persephone: Bridget
Gavin: Rich
Daniel & Thorg (NPCs): Jason
Tuesday, April 6, 2077
Our heroes go shopping for commlinks, since nobody bought one as starting gear. Mika gets a message from old friend. Gavin and Lindir get similar messages from their fixer. Persephone gets one from her coach. They all meet at a bar called The Mill on the corner of North Leatherman.
Upon meeting the bartender, Nasty, they give him the password "Hyacinth Rosewood" and are escorted to the back room. They find a pair of orks, one decked out in tactical gear, and the other looking something like a homeless bum. Also waiting is a human in a scruffy grey suit named Lynch.
Needs three crates (2m long by 1m wide by 50cm tall, and roughly 200kg each) recovered from a secure facility in the nearby town of Gaston. He knows a competitor has hired another team to retrieve the crates. Lynch requires them delivered to the docks at berth A-15. He offers payment of 5K nuyen each. Half now, half after the job is done.
The heroes decide to go tonight to beat other team. Gavin asks who owns the building. Lynch tells them it is a Telestrian Industries facility. Thorg says he can get a truck, as they need transport capable of hauling such large objects. He leaves.
Lindir, Mika, Persephone, Gavin and Daniel Greybear introduce each other. Mika looks into blueprints of building as they discuss how to get the crates. Mika hacks Telestrian to get security information. Her first try is unsuccessful. A second try is a no go, but with the third try, she’s in.
No luck on the first, public access level. Mika goes to next level, takes two tries but she’s in. Mika notices she’s surrounded by semi-uniform, corporate sprites. She tries to go through employees-only door via sleaze and succeeds.
While looking around, she spots a door that seems to not really there. While checking it out her icon is noticed and marked by security program. Realizing it’s a trace program, Mika tries to reboot herself. She successfully removes the trace and resets her overwatch score.
Remaining unseen, she sneaks about and spots a door marked Gaston and tries to gain access. Eventually succeeds and searches for information on guard shift changes and any information needed for the heist. After a few minutes, finds the information needed.
The security staff works 12 hour shifts, six hours active and six reserve, overlapping so there are always five guards on duty and five off duty, but on-site. Security includes watcher spirits, mages, and drones.
Mika once again notices she is being traced and gets link locked. She tries a resonance spike against the IC. No luck. After a brief struggle, she manages to disconnect, suffering from dump shock. She passes out for 15 min.
Thorg returns, with "hot wheels". He’s boost a stripped-down Ares CityMaster. Mika passes on what she’s discovered the rest of the crew. Gavin thinks it might be hard to get in on the shift change. They decide to go half hour after.
They all get into the truck to get to site. Thorg drives. Persephone gets out of her Harajuko dress, revealing roller derby gear.
As they approach, Lindir spots a drone circling over the site and notes it might be armed.
They quickly cobble together a working plan. Persephone is to wind a spot to sit in the woods surrounding the compound, then go astral to distract the spirits and mages. Mika will focus on knocking out the drones. Thorg, Gavin and Daniel will take out on-duty guards after Lindir gets the front gate open.
Persephone hops out of the van and takes off through the trees. The drone doesn’t appear to notice her. It is too fixated on the van. Lindir gets out of van and makes his way to the gates. Before heading out, Gavin loaned him a maglock passkey.
Mika slips into VR to bring drone down. The drone shrugs offer her resonance spike, fires an AVM, but misses the van. Mika tries to spike it again and brings it down.
On the astral plane, Persephone sees both of the active watcher spirits and after some observation, notices a pattern. She chooses her moment carefully and casts manaball as they pass close together. She catches them in the spiritual blast, killing both.
Lindir sneaks close to guard booth at the gate. He notes the guard is busy watching trid, rather than paying much attention to the word outside his windows. Lindir slips around the fence, heading closer to the loading dock. He notices a small reconnaissance drone wheeling across the lawn, patrolling the inner side of the fence. He hides in the tall grass outside.
Mika sees drone and tries to disrupt it with a spike. Meanwhile, the on-duty mage comes out astrally to see what happened to his spirits. Pershone attacks and hits with her manaball. He responds with a stunning attack, but she soaks it and blasts him again. They trade spellfire for a few heartbeats before Persephone puts him down with a final manaball.
Lindir scrambles up and over the fence, deftly flipping himself up and over the monowire strung along to the top. The guard ignores him, ensconced in his trid. Mika knocks out the third drone, another small, wheeled gizmo. It shorts out and catches fire.
The guard notices the fire’s glow but it too loate in spotting Lindir standing at his shoulder before the elf slaps a tranq patch on his face. The guard is rendered unconscious almost instantly. Lindir opens the gate.
Thorg drives through and parks the CityMaster at the loading dock. Gavin tries passkey and gets the bay door open. the loading dock is large and there are many boxes laying around. Far more clutter than anticipated. A quick hunt begins.
Lindir and Mika find the boxes. They don’t look like regular crates, but coffins with observation windows and condition monitors showing lifeforms inside. One has a calico-haired elf, while the other two humanoids are grey and scabby.
Gavin is in another corner, still looking for the boxes when a door opens and a guard walks in. The guard doesn’t notice him. Gavin draws his pistol and fires on the guard, hitting him with stick-and-shock rounds. The guard twitches, so Gavin shoots again and misses.
The guard returns fire with his pistol, hitting Gavin. It’s a decent wound, but not life-threatening. Gavin fires again and hits. The electric rounds bring the guard down.
Meanwhile Thorg & Daniel heave the coffins into the back of the van. Gavin, Mika, and Lindir shove several boxes in front of door, blocking the rest of the guards from entering.
Persephone sees the second mage on the astral and casts manaball. Injured but not out, the mage casts stun and knocks Persephone out.
With the cargo loaded, the crew head out. They look for Persephone at the rendezvous point, but she’s not waiting there. They try her commlink, but there’s no response. Mika is able to locate her link in the Matrix and extrapolate her location. Thorg slows down while Daniel jumps out, runs to her, and scoops her up.
With Persephone rescued, they drive back to Portland, heading right to the docks.
En route, Gavin investigates the biometric readouts on the coffins. Mika hacks in and looks at the data about who or what the live cargo might be. The first two are stated to be somewhat magically inclined and are infected by the Kreiger strain of the Human-Metahuman Vampiric Virus. Ghouls. The third is also magically active, far moreso, but not infected. Unfortunately, rest of data on that coffin is corrupted. Mika informs the group what she found. Persephone wakes up and the gang fill her in.
They arrive at berth A-15 at the Portland docks. The cargo is unloaded, and remaining money paid by Lynch. Thorg drives the everyone back to The Mill and goes off to dispose of truck.
To be continued…