Monday, May 10, 2077
Lindir gets a call from his contact Gaius, to retrieve a painting and a sculpture. Lindir calls up Mika, Gavin, and Persephone.
The gang meets up at Pancho’s Happy Bottom Bar and Grill. They speak with Gaius, who proceeds to tells them of artist Silouanos Easdras, who is famous for strange art and being reclusive. He lives outside of the small town of Sisters.
The painting Gaius’ client wants is called “Double Plus Good" and the sculpture looks like a twisted spinal cord. The artist has a consistent troll body guard.
Gaius looks into getting a vehicle for them while Gavin looks up the dimensions of the painting and the sculpture. Gaius comes back with a Toyota Gopher. Mika takes half an hour and looks up blue prints for house and notices the staff includes a cook, a gardener, a pilot, and the guard. The gang also looks for crates and padding.
They discuss strategy, coming up with a plan to interview Sil, saying Mika needs props and artistic stylings for her first solo music video. Lindir poses as Mika’s publicist to call Silouanos’ publicist. Lindir talks with Oscar, about using Silouanos work as set and costume design. Oscar says he will call Silouanus and get back to Lindir.
While waiting for the call back, the gang realize they need a healer, so Lindir calls Daniel Greybear, and him to come help with the job. Daniel agrees to help out.
They also strategies if the plan goes awry. They want to make sure Mika is not implicated, and they will use aliases. Oscar calls back and says Silouanus is a big fan of Mika’s and is excited to be working with her. They set up the date for 2pm Friday, May 15.
Mika sets up a mini vacation at Mount Hood to go mountain boarding. Thursday till Monday. Upon looking at the Toyota Gopher, they realize they need a better looking car so they rent a spiffy-looking car.
Mika posts about her vacation to her fans. She and Lindir work on concept art. Persephone works up a secretary disguise. Gavin works on finding a way to distract any animal guards.
On Friday, Mika is mountain boarding. The remaining crew head up in their fancy rental and pick up Daniel. They meet Sil’s pilot at the parking lot and get in helicopter.
As they fly up, they see mass amounts of trees, and notice there are only trails, no roads, up to the house. At the house, they see Sil’s garage is filled with planes, and notice he has an observatory.
Once inside, the walls are covered with artworks. "The King in Yellow” catches Gavin’s eye. They walk into the living room and meet Sil, dressed all in black. Sil is rather disappointed in not seeing Mika, but Lindir gives him a signed, glossy pic and launches into discussing the video concept. With Sil looking bored, Lindir asks for his input. Persephone hits record on her tablet to capture all of Sil’s ideas.
Lindir states that Mika is really inspired by Sil’s "Double Plus Good". Sil says he would love to show it to her in person. Persephone pipes up she’ll call Mika and see about getting her up to Sil’s house.
Persephone is let into the pool room and makes the call. Mika says she cannot due to spraining her ankle, and is to stay on bed rest at the resort for a week. Sil is disappointed yet again.
Lindir compliments the house and Sil gives them a tour. There is a lot of weird art and the sculpture in the dining room, as the center piece. The painting they want is hanging on the wall over Sil’s bed.
Sil still wants to talk with Mika about the project and gives Lindir a small painting on canvas to give to Mika. The pilot choppers them back to the parking lot.
Once they drive away, they start to discuss the security. Gavin gives the rundown of what he observed of the system and they conference Mika in to brief her. Mika will follow up in the Matrix and see if Sil contracts with a security firm.
They decide they should go ahead and keep working the angle for the music video. They can arrange for Sil leave the house to meet Mika at the resort for a few hours so they can do the heist. Gavin goes to get a keyboard/synthesizer for Mika.
Mika checks out the security on Sil’s house. She has some difficulty, but manages to slip into the home’s security profile. They only have infrared fire sensors inside, cameras outside, and remote access to Ares security. Mika gets the codes for doors and windows, and reroutes the emergency call-out system to Lindir’s phone.
Persephone makes a call to Sil’s agent to set up a dinner meeting with Mika on Sunday night at 5:30 pm.
The crew prepares, and Mika gets info on the live-in staff. Unattached to main house there is a servant’s house which houses the pilot, the bodyguard, the married dwarven gardener and cook. She also finds a listing for a kennel sheltering four hell hounds.
Sunday arrives. Sil leaves his home to meet with Mika, who hacks into the house at the moment of lift-off to shut down the alarm system. She accidentally sets the system to reinstall itself.
The crew hikes up the trail, making their way to the garage. They get in before the cameras notice them. Gavin uses his maglock passkey with the codes Mika obtained to gain access.
Near the garage, they find a sex dungeon and a magic lab/library. Persephone looks in and has everyone back away from the room and close the door, as she feels the astral background count is not safe. Gavin finds the security room and sees the dwarves coming up the path from the servants’ quarters to the main house.
Lindir and Gavin decide to ambush the dwarfs while Persephone and Daniel go to get the painting. Gavin also sends Mika a message, warning her that Sil is into some creepy shit.
Mika and Sil talk over dinner, discussing the project and funding it. For 2 1/2%, he will front 50,000 towards the project. Sil brings up Mika’s old bandmates and goes on to say if will be a problem, he will take care of them.
Back at Sil’s house, the dwarves walk in and are not surprised to see Lindir and Gavin. There is a brief brawl, as the dwarves attack with fists and spells. Lindir and Gavin defend themselves while trying to use less than lethal force.
Persephone and Daniel rush in and join the fight. As Persephone squares off with the cook, Daniel attacks the male with shock gloves and knocks out the gardener. The Female Dwarf goes after Persephone and misses. Eventually, the combined impact of Gavin’s stun rounds and Lindir’s tranq slap patch, they put the female dwarf down. Lindir tranqs the male dwarf, not realizing the drugs will overload his system.
Daniel and Gavin remove the painting from the bedroom wall. They grab the sculpture out of the dining room, and they all make their way out of the house, and down the trail to the truck. There, they pack everything into crates and drive away.
Lindir messages Mika to let her know they got the loot. Back at Dinner, Sil continues with his ideas. Sil and Mika say their goodbyes in the European style, with the kissing of cheeks.
Lindir and company head back to Pancho’s to meet up with Gaius, and drop the loot off. They get 4 cred sticks with 5k on each, which they divvy up to make sure Daniel gets paid.
Next day, the news reports on reclusive artist, Silouanos Easdras, whose house was robbed, and one of his staff killed. Police say it might’ve been an inside job, with the cook as a potential suspect.
Mika comes home and asks that next time, they do not make friends with their marks. She is still going ahead with their plan to actually make the video with Sil. Mika sees her patron, who shows her his new painting, a portrait done mostly in shades of blue, of a naked, rotund man sitting cross legged reaching towards something.
He had a buyer in Seattle find it for him. Mika gets the ok from patron to work on the video as he is a huge fan of Sil’s artwork. He is quite excited to meet the artist in person, and agrees to provide the rest of the financing for the project.
And since they came up during the session, I figured I'd post some of their music, too. These are my two favorite songs from BABYMETAL.
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