Feb 21, 2009 01:11

Hellooooo Template!

If you've paid attention to the calendar, you'll have noticed we have a PLOT starting on Monday.

That plot is DINOSAURS.


Basically, every participating character will have their very own dinosaur that stalks them. Very badly. Like, hiding behind lampposts and signs and stuff, peeking in through the windows, etc. Dinosaur species, size, and method of stalking is up to you. Interpret it how you wish.

Oh, and by the way, other characters will not be able to see your character's dinosaur. So, consider it a reptilian invisible friend. With claws. And fangs. And who would, under normal circumstances, want to eat you. But no. It just wants to play fetch. And for clarification, invisible dinosaur means that if your character does decide to play fetch with it, the stick will be seen. Floating. BUT. The dinosaur will ONLY interact with your character. No NPCs or other characters. Just your character and inanimate objects.

Yes, it's silly, but we've had it on the calendar for a while, so we're sticking with it.

If you are interested in your character having a stalker dino friend, please comment to this post so we can keep track of who has dinos.

This plot will last from Monday, Feb. 23rd and last until Thursday, Feb. 26th. That's right, only half a week.

We will be doing the Wonderland plot, as proposed by Jenny, but that requires some detail work that we just didn't have time for this month. It will happen in March.


We mods have been seriously discussing plot setup for some time now, and we came up with a basic idea. It's a work in progress, so nothing is really finished yet, but we wanted to let you know what we were working on and get some feedback. Here's what we've got so far:

Week-Long Plots: These will continue as they have, and will be a mix of player-suggested plots and big Template plots. We mentioned the possibility of having them every two weeks, that is, two weeks of no plot followed by a week of plot.

Month-Long Plots: These would be subtle plots, something that would be happening all month long, but wouldn't interfere with the week-long plots. Basically, it would be something for the characters to do and/or comment on when big plots weren't happening. For instance, maybe the weather that month was wacky. This wouldn't necessarily be a OMG PLOT point, but it would affect what characters would and wouldn't be able to do, and give them something to comment on.

Template Universe: That's just a working title, but the idea is this: every now and then, possibly at regular intervals, an alternate universe Template city would establish its own district in our Template. These districts would be based upon character's memories of their homeland, for example, one week a new district would appear based on Radical Ed's memories of her home city of Template. Because these districts are based on memories, this means two things: one, that the players of the character whose district would be coming up next would probably be designing the district. Two, the NPCs in these districts would be able to see the characters, being based on character memories.

There are a couple of ways we could implement the Template Universe idea. One is that the districts would manifest themselves at regular intervals, and you, the players, would vote on whose district would be coming up next. Another possibility is that every now and then the entire city would be "taken over" by an alternate Template, and so for a period of time the whole city would essentially be an entirely different city. After the "takeover," the alternate city would manifest into a new district of the city, and the rest of the city would go back to normal.

A third option is a mix of these two, with districts just "appearing" on a regular basis, and "takeovers" happening less regularly and less often.

The most important part of this idea that the players will essentially be working with the mods to design the new template district, because the player of course knows their city best, and we need to be able to work out details.

So what do you think? Questions, comments, constructive criticism?

*plot, *mod post, *waffle

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