For inspired20in20 which was good vs evil, hard to be inspired for this one but after I spoke with lavanille she inspired my evil side, so to speak. My claim was Doctor Who. I was trying for 10 of each but it ended up being 12 good and 8 evil, definitely better than all being good which was where I was going before this morning. Anyway, enjoy.
This is my first entry for big20in20 which dealt with textures. It was very hard, at least from my perspective, however I had fun playing around with them. I hope you enjoy these.
This is just stuff I have had laying around I made for icontests, iconflashes, anonicon and such. Wanted to get them up before they get to be too much.
I wanted to give this challenge a try for smashingart. The challenge was to make graphics for a moment or moments where you fell in love with something. I went with the hotness that is Joshua Jackson. Since starting to watch Dawson's Creek, this made my love for him all the much more. I picked some of my favorite moments from Dawson's Creek, from Fringe
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(40) - Cats for ohanythinggoes (5) - Texture usage challenge for ohanythinggoes (18) - Stock/Fashion (15) - Merlin (5) - Castle (9) - Harry Potter (6) - Kristen Stewart (10) - Smallville (25) - Miscellaneous - Fringe, Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, Actors, Actresses, movies, Legend of the Seeker, Friends, Sherlock, Lord of the Rings, Enchanted (20) - iconbattling (12) - turbo_lims