#1. Open your image, crop it to 100x100;
#2. Duplicate your base (Layer -> Duplicate Layer) and set the blending mode to Soft light at 100% opacity;
#3. Go to Layer -> New -> Layer and fill it with #19f385 and set it to Soft light at 65%;
#4. Go to Layer -> New -> Layer and fill it with #371900 and set it to Exclusion at 60%;
#5. Go to Layer -> New Adjustment Layer -> Selective Color:
Reds: C:-16; M:20; Y:-10; B:-10;
Yellows: C:10; M:5; Y:-5; B:5;
Whites: C:0; M:0; Y:0; B:-24;
Greens: C:0; M:0; Y:0; B:10;
Blues: C:0; M:0; Y:0; B:100;
Neutrals: C:-40; M:10; Y:20; B:10;
Blacks: C:0; M:0; Y:0; B:10;
#6. Go to Layer -> New Adjustment Layer -> Hue/Saturation:
Saturation: Master -10
Set it to Screen at 20%;
#7. Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Color Balalnce:
Shadows: -5; 0; -30;
Midtones: 5; -14; 23;
Highlights: -5; 3; 30;
#8. Go to Layer -> New Adjustment Layer -> Selective Color:
Reds: C:-5; M:20; Y:0; B:0;
Yellows: C:50; M:0; Y:10; B:0;
Whites: C:0; M:0; Y:0; B:-10;
Neutrals: C:5; M:0; Y:0; B:5;
Blacks: C:0; M:0; Y:0; B:5.
The end!
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