I never ever do that ever. EVER... nope. Not me. >.>
Wanna hear something grosser though!? Every so often at the library, I will be shelving and I'll run across a book with a strand of hair pinched between the pages and poking out the end. It disgusts me SO MUCH. I take care to never let the solitary strand touch me at all.
Oh, and I have a phobia of dirty bandaids. I get shivers down my back and a retching feeling in my throat when I see one lying on the ground or something.
OMG, me too!! Contrary to the fact that they also make me cringe, me and Kim DeKreek would use an old bandaid that was left half-embedded in the dirt to mark out place on the field during marching band rehearsal...t'was an important, yet icky bandaid.
Comments 8
Wanna hear something grosser though!? Every so often at the library, I will be shelving and I'll run across a book with a strand of hair pinched between the pages and poking out the end. It disgusts me SO MUCH. I take care to never let the solitary strand touch me at all.
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