I've been cutting my cardio way back, down to no more than 20 minutes when I go to the gym, as I have other things planned.
Saturday: 15 minutes of cardio, the warm-up of 2 sets of 15 push-ups, sit-ups and squats. Five sets of five over-head squats: 45-55-65-55-55-45. I can't get greedy with these because it makes my form suck. Four sets of five deadlifts: 95-125-130-135 (new PR!). Four sets of 12 kettlebell swings with 36-pound kettle bell. Handstand push-ups, four sets of about four, then handstands.
Sunday: 20 minutes of cardio, warm=up of 10 push-ups, 15 sit-ups, 15 squats x2 (fewer push-ups today because my chest hurt). Five sets of five overhead squats with 45 pounds. Three sets of 12-10-10 reps floor wipers with 115 pounds. Three sets of 20 box jumps. Flexed arm hang at home.