I have to stay up tonight because I am working tomorrow night (tonight, I guess), but I got up at 0630 this morning for a work thing, so I am super-tired. It's been a long day, but
I did go to Syracuse for Crossfit today, which was great. Scott was late (in his defense, he texted me and I didn't see it on my phone because it was on vibrate from the work thing), so I spent the first 25 minutes or so on his Concept 2 rower, trying to see what all the fuss was about (which worked out nicely because I had sat in class for seven hours, followed by 75 minutes in the car). It is a smooth rower, and if you drink the Crossfit Kool-Aid (one of my favorite Scott-isms), it is the only rower. I asked him why that was, and he said because it was nigh indestructible. I then had to tell him about my mother breaking three rowing machines when I was growing up. They were the kind with the bars rather than the cable, but she literally fatigued the metal crosspiece until it shattered. Multiple times.
Anyway, Scott taught me how to do a Turkish get-up, which I've always wanted to learn and thought was impossible to learn on one's own because there are so many steps. But I did it. It's a great total-body exercise and forces you to really focus on what your body is doing, although really, everything I've learned so far does this to some extent. Then he taught me how to do front squats in preparation for the clean (which,
judd_sonofbert, is every bit as fun as you say, particularly when you nail it). Cleans are definitely fun, but my hands are to' up from them. This week, however, my homework is to do more overhead squats (also good training for cleans as they take balance, flexibility, body mechanics, and strength) and front squats, adding them into my dead lifts.
I have to continually grease the groove on dips and pull-ups, like every day, or I'm never going to get better. I am also always going to do handstands because they are simply too much fun not to do. I've backed off from the workout of the day because I need to focus on the fundamentals for the time being. However, one of my favorites (which is absolutely brutal) is the Hansen, which is five sets for time 30-30-30 Kettle bell swings, burpees, and sit-ups. Can I actually do it? Um, no, but I can do every component of it (although my Kettle bell is 35 pounds and not 72, which is the standard), which is more than I can say for 90% of the other WODs. My point is that I am going to attempt the Hansen again sometime between now and next Wednesday.
Oh Crossfit 'Cuse, why are you not closer???
In other news, I went to Best Buy and bought the third season of Avatar: The Last Airbender from which I am about to remove the cellophane (Squeee!!), hence the title of the post. I also went to Borders and bought my own copy of alliteratively-titled The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch, and Across the Nightingale Floor by Lian Hearn, which has been recommended to me by multiple sources. So I am currently rich in all sorts of media swag...
I am tired though.