Thursday, started with 20 minutes on the elliptical, followed by my typical muscle warm-up of 15-15-15 push-ups, sit-ups, squats x2, then did a pathetic 95 pound dead lift 5x5, then 12-8-4 floor wipers with 95 pounds (again really sad). Wasn't really feeling it. Pyramided down on the gravitron dips 6-5-4-3-2-1, overhead squats 45-45-45-45-45, front squats with 55-55-55-55-55. They aren't too bad, but there are times at the bottom where I'm not sure I'm going to be able to get back up. Oh yeah, and handstands.
Friday: did the same warm-up, overhead squats 45-55-55-55-55, front squats 45-65-65-65, gravitron pull-ups. Oh yeah, and handstands.
I have a headache today, but that will probably go away when I drink some water.