Tuesday: Was bound and determined to do Hansen to the best of my ability today. I wanted to do my overhead and front squat practice, but because it was raining, all the racks were in use, and I didn't have a lot of time anyway. I had done 20 minutes of cardio, then my typical warm-up, then my best at Hansen, which isn't that good: 10 burpees, 30 35-pound Kettle bell swings, and 30 sit-ups x3. I didn't time it. Scott said I should time it, but my goal is to add reps and sets, not reduce time, until I am up to the prescription, which is five sets of 30 each (for guys it's a 72-pound Kettle bell).
Wednesday: trained with Scott in Syracuse for the last (scheduled) time. But I'll backtrack: before I drove to Syracuse,
thelostgm and I walked the rim trail up, gorge trail down at Treman Park. We saw 17 newts, 16 male and 1 female. It was pretty damp in the woods, which was why we saw all the little orange guys. They were in the path too, so you really had to watch where you were going. We powerwalked back down because it was getting late. Then I drove to Syracuse, and learned how to do snatches, and practiced cleans once again, which is a lot to do in one day.
Today: Started with a mere 12 minutes of cardio, just to get break a sweat. I lost four pounds since last week. I'm not doing Paleo to lose weight necessarily, but still, it's four pounds less to haul over a pull-up bar. The weird thing is, I'm not as hungry as I used to be. The lean protein keeps me full for longer. The problem with those carbs is that after eating them, you immediately want more; your blood sugar spikes, so your insulin spikes, putting you back into a hypoglycemia situation. Fruit, for whatever reason, doesn't do it as readily.
Anyway, started with the snatch warm-up, which is shoulder range of motion with a broomstick, then shrugs, then power shrugs, then power high pull. Then switch to the Olympic bar, shrugs, power shrugs, power high pull, then snatch with the bar, five overhead squats, rest. Then snatch, five overhead squats again. Lather, rinse, repeat. I did that four times, then ended with three snatches with the bar.
Dead lifts next. 125-130-135-135, five reps of each. The fronts of my shins are a mess from dragging the bar up my legs. So are my knees. But I hate wearing pants when I work out, so I suck it up. I actually took the skin off today by accident because the knurling on the bar hit rather than the smooth part. This happened on my first set unfortunately, but hey, there are bigger tragedies in life. I'm also up-to-date on tetanus immunization. Then I did four sets of 65-pound front squats, four reps.
Then four sets of five handstand push-ups. I'm getting lower and lower on these. Nowhere near the floor but still. I finished with something I've never tried, the Turkish get-up. It is a great exercise to finish on because it works out everything. I did it without weight at first, because it's got a lot of steps. Then I did it with a 15-pound kettle bell, which is one hell of a lot harder than it looks. I only did five on each side but I was dying by the end.
Here's an adorable video of Crossfit Kettle bell expert Jeff Martone Turkish get-upping his own wife:
Click to view
"I'm doing all the work." LOL