This is very weird. My left glute and hamstring are stiff and sore. Not the right, not even a little bit, just the left.
Saturday: 12 minutes on the elliptical. Shoulder workout prep for snatches: shrug, power shrug, power high pull with the broomstick after range of motion, repeat with 45-pound bar. Snatch, five overhead squat. Add 10 pounds, repeat. Then four more snatches. Then 50 inverted burpees. My goal is 100, but 50 is hard enough. That's a handstand, come down, roll onto the back, plow pose and back up into a handstand. I think this is what did me in. I can only do about 10 at a time. I'm trying to decide if I want to get faster with 50, or if I want to add reps. I also have this question with regular burpees. Then Turkish get-up with 15-pound kettle bell, six on each side. Finish with handstand push-ups.
Sunday: My hamstrings were too sore to do anything today and it was a beautiful day so we took the kayaks out again, launching in the back yard. We discovered that we can kayak all the way to Wegmans from the house and back. The only problem is that in order to do that, we have to go through the Jungle, which is a nasty tent city for transients. Wouldn't go there alone. But it was neat that it can be done.
Today: I was feeling very sluggish for whatever reason, plus my left side hurts. Did 10 minutes on the elliptical, then five sets of five overhead squats: 45-50-55-60-60. 60 is a new PR for me, sad as that is. Then front squats: 60-65-70-70-70. 70 is another PR, also pretty sad. Did a few push-ups on what has to pass for paralettes in the gym. Greased the groove on dead hang pull-up, with a very slow >20 second negative on the way back down. Handstands. That is all.