So I took advantage of all this free time I've had and cleaned my dorm room... really cleaned it, moved all the damn furniture and everything. Now I have the week before my roommate returns to enjoy it being clean for a while, oh happy day
Thursday night I went to the Dane Cook show and I think I've ever laughed harder than I did at that show. It was just fucking amazing... maybe I laughed too much, I wonder why? Cannot wait until he releases a new cd with all that new material on it because it will be so much better than the first. After the show I come back expecting to just chill
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So when i said i got my phone back and it was working that was really before i tried it out... it works most of the time i open it up if i try twice but ive missed calls when people tried to call me since its not ringing... damn you altell
First off you should take this politics quiz. Aparently I'm just barely a socialist, yay for me. We've had some strange weather recently, this is what happened by the ( river. )