So I hope I'm doing this thing right!
Character Name: Callan Danvers
Alias: Cal
PB: Elsa Hosk
Character Age: 27
Alignment: In Limbo
Fandom: Original Character
Instant Messenger Contact: neonflwrsuitcase
Personality: The first impression of Cal is someone happy go lucky who doesn't give much weight to anything. She has a ready sense of humor and while she might not be the type to necessarily strike up conversation with strangers, when engaged she's personable and bright. When talking, she's someone who manages to say a lot while giving away a little - she's happy to divulge trivial details about herself but avoids talking too deeply about herself. Consequently she's a good listener and very encouraging for people to talk about themselves.
While the humor is genuine, it couples as a great mechanism to keep people at a distance. It's much easier to avoid physical closeness if there's no emotional closeness either. She tends to assign affectionate nicknames to those she knows for long enough to give the impression that they're closer to her than they may actually be. Similarly, she rarely uses her full name - it creates a barrier between the 'real' Callan and all the less fun things that go with it.
Cal doesn't seem to dwell on things for the simple fact she doesn't want to. She figures if she gives in to wallowing, she'll end up little more than a walking mass of neuroses. But like anyone, she has her down moments when things begin to get on top of her. These moments are strictly private as Cal doesn't want to share her issues with others. They don't need to be burdened with what she regards as things that can't be changed, and the fear of being feared and rejected is continually in the back of her mind.
Physical Description: Blonde haired and blue eyed, Cal favours a natural look. She doesn't wear much make up and considers running a brush through her hair to be enough of a style. At 5'5" with a build that leans towards slim she's pretty average, and considers that to be a good thing - Cal likes being nondescript. Her manner of dress is low key, a reflection of not wanting to stand out as well as for practical reasons associated with her abilities. Long sleeved tops, trousers, anything that offers a good amount of coverage. She has an expressive face, even if some of it is to keep up her chirpy demeanor.
Abilities: Bioelectrogenesis - While all living things produce an electrical field, Cal is able to produce a field stronger than that of the average human. As a result, Cal's presence can be disruptive to devices such as cell phones and pagers when in contact with them. The lights aren't going to suddenly fritz or computers explode but it isn't a great idea to ask her to send a text message for you. Cal has tried to limit the effects by wearing silver lined garments under her regular clothing and heel grounders but this has served to reduce the radius of her ability rather than quell it altogether.
The other main effect of her ability is her contact, or lack thereof, when it comes to living things. Skin on skin contact from Cal causes not so pleasant problems for the body's electrical impulses. Brief and minor contact can cause a nasty jolt and a short lasting arrhythmia. Longer or major contact can lead to sudden cardiac arrest. As a preventative measure Cal always sports elbow length gloves and keeps her distance from others.
Bio: Cal's family consisted her mother, Beverly, and older half-brother Evan. Neither Evan or Cal's fathers were a presence in their life and were raised by Beverly alone. The story goes that Evan's father was a bright man medical school student but his promising future didn't include a child and that Cal's father was charming but a chronic bum with no future. Although Beverly worked long hours as a nurse to make ends meet, the household was functional and happy. The siblings were regularly looked after by their widowed neighbour after school and had each other for company and a touchstone.
Cal was a bright and mischievous child who was often reigned in by her brother. Three years older than Cal, he quickly learned to become the voice of reason out of the two. He didn't stop her making overly sized vinegar and bicarbonate of soda volcanoes or jumping out of trees but curbed such activities to prevent them getting into trouble or hurt.
Though she was a good student, Cal found the school setting stifling as she was someone who wanted to do rather than sit, read and listen. The combination of energy and enthusiasm often meant a telling off from teachers but no serious infractions. Some of her teachers had known Evan and hoped that his academic prowess might lurk in Cal.
Things changed when her abilities began to manifest at fifteen. The first thing she noticed was the television going haywire and the remote not working when she tried to use it. Initially she just dismissed it as the equipment being old and crappy. Brushes with people started to give them what seemed like a static shock. The occurrences began to happen more frequently, leaving her wondering what the hell was going on. She mentioned it to Evan, who laughed it off and affectionately told her she'd always been weird.
The situation came to a head at Evan's high school graduation. After the ceremony, Cal enveloped her brother in a hug. Moments later a lifeless Evan collapsed to the ground. The official cause of death was ruled as sudden cardiac arrest.
With the strange incidents that had been building throughout that year, Cal concluded she was to blame for his death. She began to experiment with the oddities she'd noticed - the effect on electrical equipment, the shocks - to both try and learn about what was happening to her and in the hope she wasn't the cause of what happened to Evan. Radios hissed and speakers popped, fluorescent light tubes glowed when held, the class bitch receiving an electric shock when Cal handed her a metal baton in P.E. The results hardly helped set her mind at ease.
The effects of Evan's death rippled through what was left of the family. Her mother worked as much as she could and did little more than fall into bed when she returned home. Not that Cal really noticed, having started to withdraw herself from others anyway. She dropped out of high school at sixteen and left the family home, saying she'd found a job. Beverly bid her farewell but didn't seem to register that her daughter was leaving.
For the better part of a decade, Cal moved from town to town working a series of menial jobs like fruit packing and stocking warehouses, unable to let herself settle in one place for too long. She researched methods for reducing electrical shock hazards and came across Faraday's cage. It was something that stuck with her, despite its impracticalities. In later years, thanks to the surge in fear about the effects of powerlines and electrical fields, she discovered silver lined clothing. It has helped make life less problematic. At the moment she works as a bicycle messenger. It's a good excuse to wear protective clothing.
Canon Timeline: N/A
Additional Details: Although she has her own weird abilities, Cal's not aware of other super/supernatural types existing out there in the world. If a character's able to sense/recognise/etc supernatural types then I'm totally happy to have them know something's not quite normal about Cal.