Update ♥

Nov 23, 2009 17:54

He descuidado mucho mi lj y lo acepto, pero gracias a Dios hace una semana sali del colegio y ahora tengo tiempo libreee *u*.

Me han pasado varias cosas, pero solo tres son las mas interesantes.

La número 1 es que bueno, decidì mejor no decirle a Daniela que me gustaba. Por obvias razones.

La número 2 tiene que ver con la 1 porque resulta que quisieron expulsar a cuatro niñas por una foto que alguien había subido al facebook (y que solo un maestro la pudo haber visto y las pudo haber delatado y era el de Educación en la Fe, aunque lo niegue) en donde salían sacando el dedo a la cámara y la foto decía "fuck you". Si por algo asi de rídiculo querían expulsarlas a ellas (¡vamos! ni que salieran desnudas o tomando cerveza, srsly ._.) si medio se enteraban de lo mío me expulsarían de inmediato :'D. Solo me queda un año en el colegio y quisiera pasarlo con mis amigas, gracias.

El tercero es que DIOS MIO YA SOY DE LA PROMOCIOOOONNNN :DDDD! Luego de 13 años de sufrimiento por fin voy a salir!! Holy Mother, gracias a Dios ;u;. Ya por fin elegimos el logo, el diseño de la chaqueta (aqui le decimos chumpa :D) y etc. Como ya sé que quiero estudiar no tengo problemas existenciales como las demás lo tienen ahorita (quiero ser diplomática ♥).

La siguiente parte va a estar en inglés, porque quiero que elliot-rin también entienda que diablos estoy contando xD:

Well, yesterday I went to the airport (or more like my nation's aereal base and the US antinarcotic base that is beside the airport. Yes, it seems they are installed in the same place) to wait for the aid that would come from other countries. For those who don't know, hurricane Ida and the subsequent storms and rain flooded entire towns, caused two mountains to collapse (killing hundreds) and the main highways/Streets in the country to sink.

So, there was I, fifteen days after the Black Saturday, waiting for an airplane from South Korea to arrive. The day passed by quickly, but only because we entertained ourselves with looking at the trees, the strange yellow birds and some military from the US. Then, I whipped my head back. I'm very embarrased to admit that I've never seen (at least in person) somebody from the US before (and well, I actually have never seen blacks, hindus, asians, europeans too so... god lord, why is my country so homogeneous? ;_; I want to see some variety goddamit!).

They were going out of the hangar, so I dragged my mom (because the reason I was there was because of her job xD) outside. Then, I finally realized what was there. There were helicopters. Good Lord, I've been seriously living under a rock because I never had seen one before xD. There were like 12 US military men (and one woman xD) just chillin' inside them. They looked so... like I imagined Americans to look in real life xD (no, I don't mean fat, I mean blonds and pale/rosy-skinned xD).

When it was time for them to leave (since they were a rescue team) and started to float above the ground (it looked like they were floating xD) I was excited like a five year old. Suddenly, one of them waved my mother and me goodbye. I was paralized since I thought there was a wall or something between them and us and they couldn't see us xD. After one second or so, my mom waved goodbye and a huge grin appeared on my face automatically, but I was too late to wave goodbye. I still regret not doing it ;_;.

After they were gone, we met an Argentinian. He looked so... argentinian dammit! the nose, his eyes, his hair... all of him! and when he could not get any more argentinian he spoke. And I stared.

Really, if I had doubts about my career, I don't have them anymore. I love meeting people from all over the globe (be it on the internet, or -preferably- in person)!

And... that's it. The airplane didn't arrive, and then someone told us it was scheduled to come tomorrow (meaning, today).

Oh well. At least I learned a lot and enjoyed myself :B.

Bueno, este post me salio más corto de lo que pensé :D.

Saludos mi gente bella, cuidense mucho ♥.

cosas de la vida, random, diario

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