Okay, hace como dos semanas que noupdateo acá xD.
Realmente he estado ocupada haciendo nada muchas cosas: he estado dibujando mucho (aunque por el momento el escaner no me funciona asi que no he podido subir nada a deviantart, aunque cuando pueda pondré algo acá) y además he estado escribiendo un montón de fics como por ejemplo:
Cosas, etc )
Comments 7
LOL! Don't worry about a gift! Having you as a friend is wonderful :3
May you be blessed and prosperous in this new year!
Do you have a wish list for this Christmas Elliot-rin? *curious*
And thank you! I wish you a Merry Christmass too! Be careful when lighting firecrackers in the festivities! (wait, do people in the US also light firecrackers on Christmas? =O).
Take care and have fun ♥.
Meh, my Christmas list was very general & very short this year. Couple of the things I want are gift cards like for iTunes, Department Stores, and places I like to grab a snack or bite to eat :3. How about you?
XD Nah! We don't light firecrackers for Christmas! That's for 4th of July {American Independence Day}!
Oh, and because I failed to read your question about inserting media I will tell you here. When you post a journal there is a set of symbols lined on the top. Click the one that looks like a disc and it will say "Embed Media". Hope that helps ^^
And what's this I see about a UlquiHime fanfic? >D Are you writing one?
Oh and thank you for helping ;O; *hugs her* *goes to edit the entry*.
And yeah x), I was planning to do a Ulquihime fanfic about Orihime doing a birthday cake for a friend and Ulquiorra kind of helping... hahaha it was supposed to be a b-day present for you but I got writer's block xD.
(Now that you know this, I have to do another one <.<. I'll give it to you on another important day <3).
ok, no me gusta admitirlo, pero sí quiero seguir leyendo eso.....
Y acabo de ver el primer video y ]¡ese es Alfred y a mi nadie me lo niega! enserio, está identico, sólo que con un aura de maldad....
Nos vemos mañana
Y jajajaja, eso mismo digo yo! Mi mente siempre pensara que es super seme evil!Alfred varado en una realidad alterna xD. Hay un video de Hetalia con este Opening (solo mira mi icon *babas*), pero esta en japones y no se como hacerle para darle play x'D.
Nos vemos el domingo, que hoy (sabado) no puedo
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Gracias por el add, compatriota ♥. Espero leer de ti pronto!
Cuidate linda, que tal vez algun dia nos veamos en la U ;D.
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