Ore-sama no bigi ni yoina! <3

Nov 20, 2007 11:50

Name: Nadia
Nickname: Kanoa, Noa-chan, It's YOU!?, Precious, yatta yatta yatta... and so on.
Age: 18

Likes: Art, Poems, Manga/Anime, Earrings, Pillows, Music, Silver, and Sweets.
Dislikes: Being bored, Getting sick, Adultism/Ageism, Sexism, Racism, Spicy foods, Work/Cleaning, People who can't relax cause they "need" to work 24/7, and food places that give you less food for the same thing ....say the "older" guy before you ordered... and only cause you're "younger and can't eat as much".
Hobbies: Writing, quoting/nicknaming things, watching comedy t.v., playing around on my computer, singing to music.
Talents: Playing the piano, Making Clothes (you never seen<3), and singing (I think?).
Goals: To travel to japan and other places around the world more than once in my life time.
What do you feel is your best quality? Why?: I would have to say I'm friendly and easy to get along with, as long as who ever wants to friend me has some same interest as me (*cough*anime/manga*cough*) and is not too clingy, stalker-ish, or just down right creepy of a person. (Yeah! I like hugs and I'll put up with maybe a kiss on the cheek but I hate it when someone gets a little more closer than that before I even know them.)
Your worst? Why?: It would have to be that I'm too dependent on people sometimes and that I whine a lot if I don't get my own way (or so I have been told).
What's your favorite quote? Why?: I actually have a few favourite quotes I made up for myself, but today I feel this one is favourite:
"You may play chess, but you forget that checkers can play big sometimes too!" ~ a quote of mine I thought up just for stuck up adults/teachers. I came up with this quote cause of my love for checkers and hate for chess. It also was thought up from the fact many adults I know seem to love chess and think checkers is a kids game.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Why?: *points up to my worst quality* Yeah. It's actually something I have been trying to change slowly, but it's true what they say, habits die hard.
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Why?: Well actually I would like it it people stopped viewing women and/or colored people as people lower than themselves. Really! I can't believe how it's still a problem now-a-days.

Why do you like the anime/manga Prince of Tennis?: To be honest, I like it cause of all the pretty boys.^^;
Who is your favourite character? Why?: Oishi. I like his motherly character.
Who is your least favourite character? Why?: Horio! No offense to him but two years ago I took tennis for one day in summer school and I learned more about Tennis in 6 hours than he learned about in two years. and and..... and he would be so annoying if he was like someone I knew!!!
What's your favourite pairing? Why?: I don't know. @_@ ....I think MaruixJirou is a little cute.
What's your least favourite pairing? Why?: Inui x Kaidoh. As for why, I can only really say that I can't see it and I don't get how some people do.
If you got to choose a character in the show to be for 24 hours, who would it be? Why?: I would have to say Atobe, on a weekend! cause than I'd be free to do whatever I (sorta) wanted, like buy manga, sweets, and a few things to maybe keep with me afterwards (with just a pinch of his money). Hopefully while not being seen acting "strange" by anyone he knew except for maybe his parents?!!! ^^- hehehe. If only. <3
How did you find this community?: I LJ searched it.
Anything else?: I hope I'm not to hard to make a vote on.
**Also I so far only voted for people who had less than 10 votes, but on only the first page. If you have less than 10 votes and I didn't vote on you, feel free to link your application to your vote comment, so I can vote for you as well! <3
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