Feb 14, 2008 21:11
Name: Cara
Nickname: Phoenix Boy
Age: 18
Likes: my laptop, music, manga, fanfiction,
Dislikes: shopping, clubbing, airheads, rudeness though thoughtlessness
Hobbies: badminton (I play rather too many times a week), football (ah, as in soccer, to American people), writing (fanfiction, that is)
Talents: singing and academics, I guess. Sports, playing instruments and the like I can do but they don't come naturally - I have to work for them
Goals: I want to make badminton 1st team at uni next year, finish my subrosa_tennis fic on time, keep my academic work up and figure out what I want to do with my life, I guess
What do you feel is your best quality? Why?: I
Your worst? Why?: I'm not the best at talking to people - sometimes I know something's wrong and I don't know what to say, which is really frustrating
What's your favorite quote? Why?: Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there. It's about moving forwards and being decisive. I like to get things done when I get them, rather than leaving them to the last minute. In terms of tenipuri, I like Tezuka's "Let's play with no regrets" as well because it applies to everything in life. If you make a decision, you have to live with your choice so you want to be sure that, given what you knew at the time, you did the right thing. Also, don't look back on what might have been, it's not worth it.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Why?: I'd like to have the confidence to be more open with other people. As it is, it takes me a long time to trust people so I make friends slowly, at least in real life. I seem to have no problems talking online.
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Why?: I'm tempted to go for world peace but that's overdone. To say something a little different from the normal, I think I'd like everyone to be more polite. If people stopped to talk to each other, there would be fewer people. I get particularly annoyed when people talk through lectures - if you don't want to be there, don't show up in the first place.
Why do you like the anime/manga Prince of Tennis?: I like the characters the variety is incredible and, unusually for a sports anime, they aren't all stereotypes either. If you listen to some of the things they talk about, the underlying ideas are quite deep - the philosophy behind the sport in the things that Yamato and Tezuka say seem to ring true for me.
Who is your favourite character? Why? (You won't be judged on this): Yagyuu - he never seems to lose his composure and yet his feelings come across. You also get the impression that he knows how to have fun as well.
Who is your least favourite character? Why?: Sakuno - she's too flighty. At least Tomo-chan stands up for what she believes in but Sakuno just follows along blindly. Even when she decides to learn tennis, it seems to be a half hearted sort of attempt.
What's your favourite pairing? Why?: There are a lot I like. At the moment, it's probably Tezuka/Yukimura. I think there's balance to it. They're both very strong individuals who are quite mature for their age. Yukimura is more light hearted, so he'll give Tezuka the opportunity to let himself go a bit.
What's your least favourite pairing? Why?: Ryoma/Sakuno - it's blatantly just for convenience that people write it. She doesn't understand him, he doesn't understand her (and isn't interested anyway) so there's really nothing to build on. In terms of slash, Mizuki/Yuuta. Yuuta could do so much better than someone who makes his choices for him.
If you got to choose a character in the show to be for 24 hours, who would it be? Why?: Fuji because it would be fun to be able to say the most outrageous things and have no one be surprised.
How did you find this community?: someone's profile, I forget who
Anything else?: No, that's all thank you.