The Three People You Voted On:
sanand your character stamping link: (use the stamped members list (and ctrl + f) to get your link)
Name: Blossom
Nickname(s): bloss, bellawesome, bulldozer, babe, waas, etc.
Likes: karaoke, dancing, Jesus, eating, volleyball, gay guys, leopard print, accessories, singing, SLEEPING, and babies. ...but not kids.
Dislikes: people who are anti-gay, smoking, weed, drugs, rude people, stupidity, running, public speaking, and coloring. oh and sharks. i hate those bastards.
Strong points: I'm pretty good at a lot of stuff, but I don't think I'm GREAT at anything really. I can sing well, my head's not dumb, I'm good at being confident, and I always manage to get what I want.
Weak points: I can be cocky and insecure at the same time. I have the worst sense of direction and get nervous easily. It takes a lot for me to apologize and I'm really stubborn. Oh yeah, and I'm the queen of awkwardness. Put me in any situation, I'll make it awkward.
(Please explain your answers)
1) What is your opinion on tennis? I like it, but I don't love it or anything. I play on random spur of the moment "Hey, wanna steal someone's racket and whack the ball around?" I didn't really have any opinion on it before watching Prince of Tennis. But it's a pretty fun game, minus all the running and the heat. Plus, I'm so much better at volleyball.
2) What mood are you usually in? I'm bipolar, but not officially. It really depends; sometimes, I can be really mature and determined. And sometimes I'm bouncy, bubbly, hyper, and spazzy. And then sometimes I'm all uptight and GRRRR and competitive. I'm always random and sarcastically funny. Depending on my mood, I'm always a different funny. Sometimes a "OMG LOOK WHAT I JUST DID HAHAHA" funny, a sarcastic funny, a "I make fun of people for laughs" funny, or a genuine "that girl is funny" funny. And I always abuse quotes and dotdotdots. And yes, I forgot what the correct terminology is. ellipses? *gives up*
3) What is your strongest personality trait? I can make anything sound or look dirty? And not dirty as in dirt, but dirty as in sex. But maybe that's not a strong personality trait. I'm very, very competitive. And not always in a good way, but it would probably have to be my "strongest personality trait."
4) What are your talents? I'm quite talentless. not. Man, the list can go on forever...(just kidding) I'm pretty good at singing, playing volleyball, studying, math, and pulling off any outfit. Oh yeah, and I'm HELLA good at eating. And sleeping. They're my favorite hobbies. And I'm really good at staring at myself in mirrors.
5) What are some of the things that make you uncomfortable?
1. I don't like being alone in a car with anyone. It doesn't matter if that person is my best friend (actually, I can be alone with two people without feeling awkward) but other than that, I make the situation really awkward and uncomfortable.
2. I don't like those moments when my relatives (aka not my mommy or sister) say, "Hey, pick something out. I'll buy you it." I'll end up picking out nothing even though I want something. And then I'll force my mom to buy it for me later T_T.
3. You know those moments where a guy you know (who you either like or think is kind of cool) has like a booger in his nose or something on his face? Or when they do something, while thinking they're slick, when in all actuality you saw it? Yeah...those moments make me feel uncomfortable.
4. When guys flirt with me. Well not when guys I'm interested flirt with me. It's when the guys I don't like, but like me flirt with me. Then I just want to crawl up in a ball or throw a rock at their face.
5. When I'm in the ghetto. I've been sheltered all my life...
6) Would you rather work in a group or alone? I am really...picky about things. If I'm working in a group, I'll end up taking hold of the reigns and just doing everything myself anyways. Either that, or I just laze up and do nothing. (remember, unofficially bipolar) So I think I like working alone. I mean, who better than me can satisfy myself?
7) How long does it take for someone to gain your trust? I'm not really sure. I think I'm the type of person to open up quickly. But I've been told otherwise, so maybe it's harder for someone to gain my trust than I originally though. =\
8) If someone was to wake you up early in the morning for no real good reason, how would you react? No matter what mood I'm in, I get so pissed. And a lot of the time, I don't remember what I say or do. When my friends call me at untimely hours, I end up cussing them out or threatening them with their life. If my mom does, I'm a little more lenient, but even then sometimes I throw my blanket at her. Yeah, I get really upset. But for some reason, I still keep my phone on ring -_-
9) If you were tennis player...
a) Would you rather be a doubles player? or a singles player? I think I'd do best playing singles. I'm really competitive...But I wouldn't mind playing doubles on a few occasions. Like just for practice and fun.
b) What play style do you think would work for you? I think I'd be an all-rounder. I actually didn't look up what those meant (sorry...>.<) but I would assume that means...all-roundedly competent? In volleyball, I'm a setter, but I'm an ace server, can hit pretty decently (for a short Asian) and am really good at passing. So I think I'd be an all-rounder.
10) What team from PoT...
a) do you think you'd be on? Hmm...I'm not too sure. You tell me =D
b) would you want to be on? Hyotei? Seigaku? Rikkaidai? Shitenhouji? Fudoumine? St.Rudolf? I don't mind any really.