It just seems so cliche, having a crappy week and then letting it all out online. Not that I'm knocking other people that do it- if it works for them, so be it. It just doesn't seem to make things all that much better on my end.
Not that I don't have plenty to be angsty about this week either. My folks have seen to it that my week's been full of angst. Cliff's Notes version of what's going on so I can at least get SOME of this off my chest:
1) Applied for a promotion at my job.
2) Came home to angry parents over several issues, most of which I'm suffering from some sort of double-standard.
3) Parents basically issue a vote of no confidence in me as a general person, much less someone who's able to perform at work.
4) Parents furthermore insult my ability to contribute to Dominant Sound.
5) After dust has settled, parents settle back into routine of praise and "I hope you get it" when referring to the promotion.
So, in essence, my parents want me to know that they have absolutely no confidence in my ability to perform as a person, but then they'll turn right around and issue fake praise and support for something I'm trying to accomplish. I actually gave a damn good interview today for the promotion, and it should have been something I would be proud to tell my folks about. But, no, wait, it wasn't. Instead all I could remember was their angry, honest outbursts of how they wouldn't bet on my being qualified for the job, much less as a decent person.
My father actually suffered a pretty bad fall today while riding his bike. He's pretty roughed up. I want to feel sympathy for him, but for the first time, I really can't. It's there, but I just remember what he said and it burns up. Oh well.
In more positive news, I actually gave a damn good interview today. AND I have tomorrow off- a rarity for the past few months. AND I managed to find several awesome tracks over the past few days, thus bringing me ever closer to my first complete mix CD. AND my grandmother survived her heart operation with flying colors and is back up and moving around only two days after the surgery. Minus the parental crap, things are spiraling upwards, not down for once. So fuck 'em. I won't let them ruin my good time.
New stuff from Deadmau5 and Wolfgang Gartner (both collaborative and separate works) fill out the new set nicely. "Animal Rights" just has this funky line at 1:00 that rocks at -0dB. I have yet to try it at 5000 watts, but I bet your ass AND mine that i'll love it.
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With any luck, I'll be a headlining act at AlphaPalooza 2011.