first theres "something" on my ovary...
then i throw my back out...
then when i try to get an ultrasound to see if there is anything on my right ovary, it decides to hide on us...
Then today i go off road because they highway department didn't sand the roads.... what a week i'm having =\
what happened was that i was driving down to MWCC for my art courses, which i hadn't been able to attend because one day got cancelled due to snow, the other was when i threw my back out. and i turned off of 119 onto some road i can't remember right now > < and i went down that road for a bit. now, the speed limit is like 40 and i was going between 35-40, because i hit black ice earlier, didn't have a problem with it, i just realized it was there. so as i going down the road, the idiot in front of me is probably going about 45 to probably 50. i'm shaking my head at him when all of a sudden, i felt the car slide violently to the left onto the other side of the road....and some how i ended up on the side of the road on the otherside, looking like i was coming back form the mount. i had spun i think twice before i hit a sapling, and came about 3-4 inches from hitting a tree.... the only damage to the car (which was my dad's car) was that the bumper had been pulled slightly off. but i'm not worried about that because the bumper, or at least the right side of it, had been held on by duck tape. so no worries there. i wasn't hurt, just really really shaken, and maybe slight shock, i'm not sure. i just know i was shaking really badly and people kept stopping to see if everything was alright. i called my mom and told her what happened, and after that i couldn't get any signal on the cell >< but thankfully someone called the cops and two of them came over. i felt so bad, like, when people would stop to check on me, they were sliding as they were stopping, it was insane >< i'm just happy that no one was coming on the other side of the road when i spun out, or there wouild have been more damages and someone would be injured... or worse. > < *sigh* so yeah, everyone, please be very very very very very very very careful when your driving early in the morning on these cold foggy days...cause the black ice is insane on those/these types of days...
I'm gunna go, i've got to get some food and go to my last class at like 1. i'll see you all later ^_^