So a lot of exciting things have been happening (aside from my stupid physics class, which I had a test in today... but I digress)
Over the past month or so, I've been actively looking for a job as a physical therapy assistant. So far, I've had 3 interviews, and a bunch of calls saying that they had already filled the position. One interview was almost a month ago, and I haven't heard back from them... so I'm assuming that's a no go. The second one, which was last week, called me back with a regret, but was like "we're looking for someone who has experience... and you don't have any. But I'm really impressed with your enthusiasm, and you'll be the first one I call and hire if there's an opening"
Thanks for nothing....
So this last place, I had an interview on Wednesday, and it went really well. I'm supposed to meet the owner of the place tomorrow and we'll see where that leads me. But I'm super excited I even got an interview, since this is a place that had originally said that they didn't have any openings. Then out of the blue, I get a phone call from their HR person asking if I was still looking for a job. So, they came back to me!! which makes me happy that they even considered me.
There's a position that's opened up at Pepperdine, which just so happens to be my old boss's job. My old boss, Chris, is going to teach english in China! How awesome is that!? Remember last year when I was considering doing that? So several people have approached me about applying, and I haven't done it yet. Honestly though, it'll take me about 10 minutes to fill out the application since most of it is done already from the previous positions I applied to last year. The reason why I'm having a problem deciding on applying is because I don't want to apply unless I'm 100% ready to commit to the job. And I don't know if I am, especially since I'm 3 classes away from finishing my prerequisites for physical therapy school.
So, as the saying goes, when it rains it pours.
My physics teacher is incompetent. For the most part, I give my teachers a great deal of respect. I can't do it for this guy. He's nice and all, but he doesn't have the slightest clue how to teach physics. it is PAINFUL. Someone will ask him a question over a homework assignment, and if he hadn't done it before, he would just bull shit his around in circles until we run out of class time. I don't think we have ever had a straight problem where we work from beginning to end without him screwing some step up or something. I want to gouge my eyes out every time I sit in class. luckily I haven't done it yet. Luckily for me, my friend Abe's room mate is a PhD candidate in physics at USC, who teaches general physics to undergrads at USC. I spent 3 hours working with him and he basically went through the entire chapter with me in order to prepare for my test today. He's so great.
A present:
Ahhhh.... asian moms... this scene has happened countless amounts of time in the Ying household (only in my mind though... if I said that outloud, I'd get smacked around like a ball in the game pong)
This is more of what happens:
I love my mom. But it's ironic how both my mom and the mom in the picture have curly hair, and the girl and I both have straight hair.... hmmmm....