Well, while you're down there, you might as well do Jamestown. :)
I LOVE the 17th and 18th Centuries. I feel like, if I had been reincarnated, I probably lived in a colony somewhere and then again through the American Revolution. The Civil War, Victorianism, the 19th Century--I have absolutely no connecton to any of it, but put me at Mount Vernon or City Tavern in Philly or Old Salem (Or even, say, Plymouth or Jamestown) and I have an otherworldly feeling like I'm home.
I feel that way about the 1960's, too. The love beads and the hippies, etc. In fact, every time I smoke marijuana . . . I'm kidding. But I do feel like I'm getting some weird postcard whenever I hear, say, "If You're Going to San Francisco" or anything from Jefferson Airplane.
I feel that I should have been born about 20 years earlier to be honest. I feel a strong connection to the 1960's and 1970's. :-) Something about that time period has always pulled me.
I experience deja vu all the time...feeling like I've done some of these things before, but not in this life...a previous life. That is a deep question...if I died tomorrow, what would I want to return as?...I'm not sure if I'd want to be much different than I am now. Not saying that I am perfect by any stretch...but I am fairly content in my life so far, and where things are going. Sure, there are little things that I would probably change, but I think on the whole, I'm happy. I wouldn't mind coming back a few hundred years in the future though to see how we have evolved as a race of people, or to see if Al Gore is right and that we will have indeed blown up the planet...
Comments 4
I LOVE the 17th and 18th Centuries. I feel like, if I had been reincarnated, I probably lived in a colony somewhere and then again through the American Revolution. The Civil War, Victorianism, the 19th Century--I have absolutely no connecton to any of it, but put me at Mount Vernon or City Tavern in Philly or Old Salem (Or even, say, Plymouth or Jamestown) and I have an otherworldly feeling like I'm home.
I feel that way about the 1960's, too. The love beads and the hippies, etc.
In fact, every time I smoke marijuana . . . I'm kidding. But I do feel like I'm getting some weird postcard whenever I hear, say, "If You're Going to San Francisco" or anything from Jefferson Airplane.
Do you feel connected to any historical time?
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