Title: Originally Normal
Beta: Science, Puddin, and TJBW (lots of credit goes to these three, they did a wonderful job editing this story)
Rating: FRT
Genre: Season 7 AU
Summary: It's been a year since season 6 and things are going OK for Buffy. That is until things start going wrong and someone finally comes back into her life
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Comments 6
Adoreable my dear and what precious kids. As they would be of course. Lovely, lovely ending.
Thank you so much for sticking with me all the way through! *huggles back*
Lovely ending! They are both alive and normal, and the future is right ahead of them. *happy sigh*
Glad you liked it! Thank you for staying with me until the end! <3 *huggles of doom!*
You are evil! :D
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