More Buffy comic thoughts. Also ponderings about spuffy on the show.

Feb 14, 2013 22:42

So I've been bad and dropped into the Buffy forums now and then to check on what the heck is happening in the comics.

The new interview with Gage makes me want to rage, but fortunately I've mellowed out with this. I heavily do not agree with "I will say that I love the dynamic between Spike and Angel -- they're rivals, but they're also the only ones on Earth who really understand each other." While the dynamic between Spike and Angel is complex, to reduce it to this line indicates little understanding of both characters. They can understand each other where no one else can because they are both Vampires with a Soul ©, they understand each less when it comes to who they are deep down. This lends to complexities and insights to the other, which is illustrated in their dynamic. Angel has no clue who Spike is deep down, and while Spike might have insight to Angel, I don't think he understand how Angel ticks.

In fact, I don't think anyone really knows or understands Spike in the Buffyverse. Angel probably had Cordelia/Wesley that understood him best, but I don't think anyone else really knows Angel either. If anyone really knows Spike best, it would probably be Buffy, unfortunately she also doesn't know him that well either. Which makes me think Spike still has much story to tell. Which the comics people either ignore or are just too negligent with Spike's character to care. Or perhaps they just don't see it.

Also, this lovely line has me eye rolling a thousand times, "the mere fact of Buffy and Angel seeing each other for the first time since Twilight would be such a big thing that it would derail the storylines of both books." I think that's really cruel and very blatant Angel bias. Yes, it would be a big thing. But because Angel has yet to try to make things right with Buffy. He transgressed just as much, if not more than, Spike did in the AR. It would need to be handled with care. But at this point I'm sure they'll have them swoon at each other and Buffy automatically forgiving Angel (which brings me to my next point, but that later). It'll be a big thing, but wasn't Spike and Buffy seeing each other for the first time in years, their "reunion" a big thing too? Obviously not. Which I think is unfair. So any reunion between Buffy and Angel would be and should be, important to the story and to Buffy's story, but not be such big thing and yet have its proper course. Though I think they will make it be all about Angel. (And no, the show was not all about Spike as some may want to think. Spike had an arc, which was great, but the show was about Buffy and Spike's arc heavily affected Buffy.)

Which brings me to Buffy's forgiveness. Allie said something about Buffy completely understanding Angel and would forgive him or had already forgiven him and that also makes me want to rage. Simply put, Buffy doesn't hand out forgiveness like candy at an amusement park. She forgives, it's true, but when one transgresses deeply, they have to work at it, with Buffy watching, for her to give forgiveness. For Buffy to give Angel a pass is a writer's choice that is down right disgusting. For Buffy to easily forgive Andrew for the body swap, blatant enough as to be a demonstration of her forgiveness and example of how she will forgive Angel, is a gross misinterpretation of Buffy's character. Buffy only forgave Spike for the AR after getting a soul and dying to save the world. She forgave Andrew in season 7? Well, she didn't kill him, but gave him room to redeem himself and only in season 8 did it seem that Buffy forgave him to a degree.

But Andrew and Angel have done nothing to gain Buffy's forgiveness. Angel resurrecting Giles does not fix anything between them. Buffy forgiving Andrew so soon (what, issue 9, was it?) is a horrible example of Buffy's forgiveness and shows a real lack of understanding Buffy, which is one of the biggest pit falls of season 9. Buffy should still be mad at Angel and dismissive of him until he shows that he wants to make it up to her. So far, the only thing Angel is trying to do is make himself feel better. That's not being a hero and that is not the Angel I knew in the show.

I will say the clear Angel bias and complete lack of understanding of my two favorite characters is the reason I despise the DH Buffy comics. The characterization of almost all the characters has been a complete disaster in season 9. I can hardly recognize any of them. I do not trust Gage with Spike and will most certainly never read anything by Gage when it comes to the Buffyverse. He may know how to weave a plot, but for me the buffyverse is more character and theme than plot. And those are Gage's weakest points. (Snark: I think Allie and Gage get along well enough because of the Angel goggles.) To me, that isn't Buffyverse. This is an Angel's fan's fan fiction, with an official seal. Sorry, DH, not interested in your biases that make you careless about other characters.

And don't get me started on that Spike/Faith. They might have sexual chemistry on screen, but it's like watching the same person get with themselves. There is no story there and them having sex? That would be sex just for the sake of sex. But I doubt it'll be them. I roll my eyes, because to many Angel/Bangel fans Spike/Faith might be a dream come true. I can see them getting along well and flirt and tease, but I just can't see Spike and Faith bumping uglies. (And can Spike get a real love interest for once that isn't a carbon copy of himself? I would love for him to fall for another Slayer besides Buffy/Faith. Or at least not another biker chick demon. Or a demon period. Can't souled Spike fall for another human please?)

Brings me back to my rant about the Spike mini. I gotta say it was a waste of space. As much as I love Spike, the mini was pointless. He is where he was in season 8 more or less. I do not see how he is supposed to be "totally different" because Spike fans have seen him more or less independent since AtS5. It was a horrible decision that was obviously made for sales, for cowardice (don't want the spuffy fans wrath that Buffy is getting with Downling when Spike is near! Oh noes! *eyes rolls*), and because they wanted him in Angel & Faith. The Buffy book would have been stronger with him there working on the B plot as well as sorting through his feelings. It would have also let us get a better picture of where Buffy was at emotionally. Once things settled for her, she wants to date Downling. If Spike was in the picture, and if she somehow loves Spike, why go for Dowling. It would have let us know a bit more where Buffy's mind set was at (is it because he's a vampire, because of season 8, because he didn't call, because it's Spike? Or because she's still cookie dough? Is she strong enough to face her feelings for Spike now? What does that mean for Buffy? See how by showing us her feelings for Spike we get a feel of where Buffy would be at emotionally?). They didn't want to take that route. Instead we get what we got and it's pretty...well not pretty. They reduced their dynamic to a simple one. A boring one. Another clear indicator they have no idea what they are doing.

In the comics Spike should properly move on or make the decision to move on. I would personally like DH to never touch Spike's character ever again. I'd rather they end it by killing him again or putting him on a bus. I don't trust them, not after this season. I gave them another chance, I was ready to forgive. But no, they went to get a soul and chickened out. Came back anyway on all fours than stabbed me in the back when I wasn't looking. So thanks, but no thanks.

I think my biggest, more recent, disillusionment is that fact Dawn is dying and Spike is nowhere in the picture. Spike was closest to Dawn personally (to him) after Buffy and while things were rocky with them in season 7 I had hoped that something could have happened with them in season 9, especially with Dawn's crisis. Again, such a huge lack of understanding of these characters and their relationship dynamics is the biggest downfall of season 9. And the biggest reason why I am beginning to dismiss the comics completely. I am still partly invested, but my care is growing less with each day. And that makes me happy. The day I hear news of the comics and give zero fucks, is the day I am free to fully enjoy the TV show once again.

Though I have been wondering about something form the TV show. mentions that she doesn't quite believe Buffy's "I love you" in Chosen because of the Buffy/Angel kiss. It's a completely valid interpretation and one that I am beginning to have with each passing day. Love doesn't automatically happen when holding hands that burst into flames as you see someone you care about die. Real love is gradual and careful. It's delicate and confusing. If Buffy was falling in love with Spike in season 7, I think the Buffy/Angel kiss would not have happened. Buffy would have went in for it, but it wouldn't have felt right and she would have hugged Angel instead (probably leaving him confused), given him her speech and gone to see Spike. That would have made it hard to deny that something was growing and would have fit with the Spuffy arc in season 7 better in my opinion. It would have made her declaration and realization all the more powerful and saddening.

But I feel, with taking the comics into consideration, that Buffy's "I love you" was not romantic love. It was a big feeling and she labelled it love, but it wasn't the type Spike had for her or that she had for Angel. And that was why Spike said "No you don't" because it was the truth. It also makes his failure to return to her in AtS5 make a thousand times more sense. He had fear that while his death meant a lot, it was not enough for her. That he would never be enough. So heroic entrance only. It makes the comics make sense too in terms of the spuffy. Because there was really nothing there to begin with, Spike earned Buffy' respect and importance, maybe fondness, but not her love. Buffy smiled at the end of Chosen, she was sad that he was gone, but not heartbroken. She was free to live her life.

However, I also think it's hogwash because season 7 had this huge build up of this beautiful romantic love, yet it fell so flat afterwards. It probably had to do with the AR blow back. Joss may have wanted to leave everything up to the viewer because he didn't want to make a definite call on what Buffy felt. I think that utterly weakens the spuffy arc and the writing of season 7. I think writers who go the route of "Choose your own adventure" in a strong story otherwise, completely hinders the message and just weakens it overall. I loved Harry Potter and would read it again and again, and there was no "choose your own adventure" in that. At times, leaving things ambiguous adds tension and suspense, but leaving the audience hanging permanently only annoys and turns people away. If Snape's true allegiance was never declared, how would you feel about the story then? Having balance and knowing when to stand your ground is where people are won over. Declare the truth, in text, with all complexities at hand, and I'll feel that the writer would have made a strong story/theme even stronger. It's the cowards way out when you continue to leave the question unanswered for fear of the fans.

For those saying that Buffy displayed signs of love throughout season 7 and that I'm missing something large and important, I have to say, that without any type of confirmation otherwise (what Joss says in interviews and what he does in text are two different things. Maybe Buffy loved Spike, but not in the way we think he meant. Spike is important to Buffy but he is not her guy) almost any interpretation is valid. Buffy's reliance on Spike could have more to do with her growing responsibilities and the fact she needed Spike and his support to continue on, than her falling in love with him. In fact, one could argue Spike and Buffy were simply using each other like Buffy was in season 6, but without the sex. However, Buffy wasn't sure what Spike wanted (did he have romantic intention or not) and he needed her and her support to continue on in his state. The codependence was needed at the time, for both their emotional needs. Once that situation was over, they both no longer needed to be in the others life. Which makes more sense for comics spuffy.

Finally taking it all into consideration, I have to say I'm now less inclined to believe in the beauty of the spuffy relationship in the show. Once I thought there was a powerful and amazing love story. Now I just see an interesting journey of two characters and the tragedy of a love that will never be. The real beauty of Spuffy lies in fan fiction. Where writers aren't afraid of letting Buffy love Spike and declare it, even if it's heartbreaking. It lies in believing Buffy at the end of Chosen, regardless of anything else.

All that being said, I feel better though I hate DH with a passion still. If anyone disagrees with the above, please let me know. I am open to change my mind if one has a compelling argument.

Also, I am sorry for being gone so long. I have no excuse. :(

buffy the vampire slayer, ange&faith, spuffy, buffy season 9, ewww dh

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