Title: Originally Normal
Beta: Science, Puddin, and TJBW (lots of credit goes to these three, they did a wonderful job editing this story)
Rating: FRT
Genre: Season 7 AU
Summary: It's been a year since season 6 and things are going OK for Buffy. That is until things start going wrong and someone finally comes back into her life
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Comments 4
That was such a lovely moment in the middle of a intense chase scene. I loved when Buffy admitted that they are more than friends.
Buffy was no longer in control of herself."
What a great twist! I didn't see that coming at all! I just kept waiting that awful moment when Spike would fall under mind control. But he was immune to it! And then Buffy lost the rest of her powers... I was so relieved when Spike managed to snap her out of it. His speech was very powerful. As was the moment when Buffy came back to herself!
I loved that twist myself too! I had always known that Buffy would be the one to be mind controlled but that she'd strong enough to break free. I wanted people to feel like no matter the situation you are in, your mind is a strong weapon and that everyone has the strength to break free. <3
Super happy you are continuing to enjoy!
I'm sorry it's ending too, since I'll be on spuffy break for awhile! Everyone has been awesome! <3
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