*is sonewhat confused*

Sep 01, 2004 23:20

I don't know what is it with me, and I'm in dire need of... well, a place to write.

And so I thought that it would be best to put it in this journal.

The problem? Here goes.

I got a glimpse of Oshitari-kun's sleeping figure, and I couldn't help but smile. He looked so kawaii and gorgeous... and sexy...*faints* then. And I silently wished I was ( Read more... )

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Comments 20

hajime_kun September 2 2004, 02:23:16 UTC
Ah... Marui-kun. I'm gonna spy on you and Yuushi-kun.

My otouto-kun looks really cute when he's sleeping too.. ^^


kuni_kirihara September 3 2004, 01:21:35 UTC
Mizuki-san, I already allowed you to be my temporary onii-chan, now will you just pretty please stop calling me cute! You KNOW I hate it!!! *glares*


hajime_kun September 3 2004, 02:20:05 UTC
If you really do, you won't call me Mizuki-san. But you're cute... Ok... Cool.. *rolls eyes*


crafty_oshitari September 2 2004, 04:48:59 UTC
Don't invade our privacy, Hajime-kun. You will get your turn *smirks*

Thanks for your compliment, Marui-kun. You looked really lovely while sleeping too. I was so tempted to kiss you... *grins*


tensai_me September 3 2004, 03:15:56 UTC
*turns crimson then faints*


crafty_oshitari September 3 2004, 18:31:48 UTC
More fainting? Do take care of your health, Marui-kun. Happiness is the root of good health. Hence I will make it my duty to give you happiness every night *grins*


tensai_me September 3 2004, 22:35:10 UTC
Aww. Thanks, Oshitari-kun. ^^ I will take care of myself. Happiness... Such a sweet word... ^^


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