Title: Unsent Letters [Drabble]
Pairing: Ohmiya
Rating: Pg-13
Summary: Nino's unsent letters to Ohno.
To Riida,
Surprise, Oh-chan. Never expect this letter right?Well, Aiba-chan wants me to write this for your birthday. So I am writting this.
Happy 26th birthday, Ohno! Please take care of your body! You are gettting older! Haha... Let work hard together, OHMIYA SK forever!
But there is something I want to say to you.
I love you.
From Nino.
To Oh-chan,
Another letter on your birthday again. I did wrote a letter last year but I didn't sent to you. I was afraid.
Happy 27th birthday, Satoshi! You have been busy with your stage play and your clay ne...I hope we can someday go out together and, you know, drink and stuff.
I always wanted to say this, Ohno, from the day we debutted, I am already in love with you... I am sorry that i might scare you, but i just wanted to tell you.
From Nino.
To almighty Maou,
Taadaa~! Riida, surprise!! You are 28th this year!!! In this special day, I am writting you a letter! Actually, I wrote 2 letters 2 years ago, it's just that I don't have the guts to send to you.
Happy 28th birthday, Satoshi-chan. You have a busy year this year, with your stageplay, art exhibitions and drama. You have really work hard!! Take someday off, and relax. Heard that you have been into fishing for a while that you tanned yourself. It's a healthy sports but I prefer a white chubby Oh-chan!
Ohno Satoshi, there is something I wanted to say for a long time, but i didn't. And that is,
I love you, I really do. I don't need a reply so fast...I can wait.
From Nino
To Satoshi,
Another year and Oh-chan, you are 29 this year. Your tan are getting darker! Manager-san told you not to get so tan yet you are still tan like a burnt bun! Haha...But that's what I like about you, so carefree and so cute
I guess, you won't be seeing this letter too since I might not be sending it to you.
I love you, Satoshi. It's more than 10 years since I have this feeling. I want to say to you, but I am scared that you will think that I am a freak. I really love you, your face, your smile, your character, your everything. I really love you. I don't mind waiting for you, Satoshi...I have waited for 10 years and I am used to it already.
As long as I see your smile, I will keep falling in love with you.
From Nino
Ohno saw the letters in the drawers. He shifted his gaze to Nino, who was sleeping soundly on the bed. He slipped beside his lover and planted a soft kiss on his lips. Nino's lips slightly curved a little.
"You should tell me earlier...I am already in love with you, 10 years ago."
A/N :Random post. Haha~! I will get back to spiral soon!