~*Entrance Exam*~
Name you Prefer:Hedaki
Describe yourself in 5 words:Kind,Cool,Wierd,...Wierd,and Laid-Back
What does your LJ User name mean:It Means I Like Chobits lol
1.) If you were an animal, what would you be and why?Cheetah, Fastest Land Animal... i love the rush of speed
2.) If you were a color, what would you be and why?Blood Red, its the purest Red.
3.) What do you want to be in life and why?Spartan 117, he is Green lol
4.) Whats one THING you can't live with out and why?Friends, they mean everything 2 me
5.) Whats one PERSON you can't live with out and why?Lani, shes helped me though so much
1. Books:hum... anything really
2. Movies:The Nightmare Before Christmas
3. Bands/ Artist:Maroon 5
4. Food:EVERYTHING... but Pizza
~*Either Or*~
1.) Punk or Pop?Pop
2.) Out to eat or Dine in?Eat Out
3.) Roller Coaster or Train Ride?Roller Coaster
4.) Light or Darkness?DARKNESS
5.) Pink or Red?RED
Please give FULL sentences. Atleast 3.
1.) Abortion:Its a bad thing but sometimes its needed.Im really not 2 sure on my outlook on this.
2.) Suicide/Depression:Depression is only a state of mind of whitch you put yourself though. Suicide is not a way 2 get out but a weakness.Depression cannot be changed its just the way they person is.
3.) Disrespect:I wont take any forms of disrespect. i behold respect more then anything in this world. i fully respect everyone for who they are and not what they are.
4.) This past Election (if your in USA. Otherwise you may skip this one):Didnt really notice.
5.) Love/True Love:True love is the one things that humans differ then all things from.Sure everything feels love but knowing that we will give our lives to save that of another is just amazing.i believe in it cause i do feel true love.
6.) Premartial Sex:This may come out bad.. but sex is an exercise. just as long as you dont get them pregnat you shouldnt have 2 marry them.
1.) Whats your favorite anime?Chobits
2.) If there were one anime character you could relate with most, who would it be, why?Inu-Yasha.. I hide my soft side with my cool tough look.
3.) Whats your motto?"What Doesnt Kill You, Only Makes You Stronger"
4.) What kind of person were/are you in high (or middle) school?The Comedian
5.) Whats your favorite thing to eat?Food... lol
6.) If you could change your real name to something else what would it be and why?Leo, i think its a powerfull name.
Please post atleast 1-4 pictures of yourself. Pictures that give a good view of yourself, and then if possible one of you acting yourself. This helps us to be able to judge what kind of person you are. ^.^;im sorry this is a new computer and i dont have any pictures.. and i dont really have a camera so that doesnt help either.
~*Spread the Word*~
Please promote as much as you can. In ATLEAST 2 places... please list the sites here so that we can see that you did it for real. You can also promote in your own journal and tell all your friends about this. www.myspace.com/sleeplessnightz