According to Anime News Network, he voiced "Sand" and a boy, unknown episodes...
Fukuyama-san has come up in Pokemon Advanced Generation, it's mentioned on ANN as well, and get this, the voice for Ou-sama is the voice of numerous Pokemon, even in the dub.
I have yet to see Code Geass, but I'm hearing some good things about it, so I'll check it out.
Fukuyama-san has appeared in other anime I like. He voiced Shimizu Keiichi in La Corda D'Oro (he had such a cute, sleepy tone) and Keita in Inukami!.
Sakurai-san was in Harukanaru Toki no Naka de -Maihitoyo- as Suefumi, his voice was more angsty, but you should hear him in demonic form, so cool! <3
Comments 3
Yeah, I <3 Keita's voice, it's cute!
Keita's voice actor is really popular right now, since he's one of the main voice actors for Code Geass O_o -just found that out-
Fukuyama-san has come up in Pokemon Advanced Generation, it's mentioned on ANN as well, and get this, the voice for Ou-sama is the voice of numerous Pokemon, even in the dub.
I have yet to see Code Geass, but I'm hearing some good things about it, so I'll check it out.
Fukuyama-san has appeared in other anime I like. He voiced Shimizu Keiichi in La Corda D'Oro (he had such a cute, sleepy tone) and Keita in Inukami!.
Sakurai-san was in Harukanaru Toki no Naka de -Maihitoyo- as Suefumi, his voice was more angsty, but you should hear him in demonic form, so cool! <3
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