May 21, 2009 19:26
There was a friend of mine who didn't have ID and the friend whose name was on her storage locker was going through bankruptcy so I ended-up being the one with their name on the unit.
This wouldn't be such a problem if it wasn't for her attitude.
There was a day in which I received an e-mail from the company saying the fee was due on 5/8 and I contacted her and she said she'd mail it priority the next day after I had given her the address, unit number, and fee information.
Then last week I received an e-mail saying the unit was post-due. I txted her with the address, unit number, fee amount, and the message that I should not be dealing with this and that I will not bail-out her stuff. I called our older, wiser-in-the-ways-of-the-world, friend T-- to tell him what happened. He called her to indirectly hint about the need to send the bill and then called me back. Apparently she didn't know where the post office was in Portland, OR.
So I wait till the next day to call her so I won't immediately rip her head-off. Unfortunately I accidentally called during a school test and she says she'll call me back later.
The next day I called her and apparently she forgot to call me back when she was at the library. It's Thursday and she tells me she's been busy and is going to take a day off of school to catch-up with everything tomorrow. She didn't have the previous friend (the one whose name was on the unit) to be on her case this time and was going to send the money the next day and asked me to call the next day as long as I didn't ask her about the unit. I never said yes or no to that last one.
The next day I returned from Job Corps for the weekend and take care of seeing the ex before he had to go home. Then I went to visit T-- and tell him about the latest developments in the delinquent's and myself's life.
I call her and she asks how I am and I say some response and ask her if she sent the money and then she tries to insist on some standard conversation question and I give a brief answer and ask her if she sent the money. She says, remember what we talked about yesterday?, and I point-out I never said yes to that and she tells me to call her when I'm ready to talk about something other than the storage unit and hangs-up on me. I txt her saying that I don't like being fucked with and I am taking this as being fucked with and that T-- is giving me the advice to close the unit if she doesn't pay on-time. Her txt back said “u need 2 chill”. T-- suggests I don't txt back because she'd expect that. Make her think a bit.
The next day I get a voice mail message from her.
“hey I just wanted to let you know I've already mailed out it should be there within a couple days and. . .tom has nothing to do with the-uh stuff in my storage bin, and. . .even the storage bin, would take a month to cancel my stuff so. I really don't know why you're like, jumping to such crazy conclusions. . . .and , I dunno, call me back when you actually want to talk about like, stuff.”
(Sunday or Monday) I've sent her the txt saying “I do not appreciate accounts in my name being paid late. Just because you are ok with paying late does not mean I am ok with them being paid late. As long as I get attitude from you when I check to see if you have paid, I will view you as fucking with me. Now that I have clearly delineated what it is that I have issue, I will view any remarks that do not address the issues as avoidance and willfully not listening.”
Haven't heard from her since.