Klaroline Comment Fic-a-thon

Mar 03, 2012 18:24

I am dying waiting to see what will happen to Klaroline come March 15!

So, I've decided to create a comment fic-a-thon! (I have never done this before so have patience and mercy).

1. Prompts and responses have to pertain to Caroline and/or Klaus. Other characters may be involved, but either Caroline or Klaus MUST be included somehow.

2. Each prompt gets its own comment. Do not post one comment with multiple prompts. There is no limit to the amount of prompts per person and there is no restriction on what kind of prompt (ex. lyrics, feelings, one word, one sentence, etc.) The format for prompts is:
Character - prompt
OR if it is a crossover (which is totally acceptable as long as it adheres to rule #1)
Fandom, character - prompt

3. When responding with a fic, please post [Title, Pairing and/or Main Character, rating] in the subject.
Ex. Fanfic Titles, Caroline/Klaus, NC-17

4. There will be spoilers abound. You've been warned.

5. If you read a fic, please leave feedback. It's just good manners.

6. PLEASE PIMP THIS POST! I'm only a member of a couple to Vampire Diaires comms so I can't post everywhere. Also, this is my first time doing something like a comment ficathon so I want it to be successful. SPREAD THE WORD! (with comm permission).

7. If you have further questions, comment on my "Questions post" aka the first comment below.


Master Fic List:

Winning Games, Klaus/Caroline, M by tenshinrtaiga

Of Sinners and Saints, Klaus/Caroline, G by ishi_chan
A Shadow You Won't Recognize, Klaus/Caroline, G by mandatorily

Touch, Klaus/Caroline, G by tenshinrtaiga
Nothing but the Blood, Klaus/Caroline, T by elenarain
Damon the Demon, Klaus/Caroline, Damon, NC-17 by elenarain
Sacrifice, Klaus/Caroline, Stefan, PG by tenshinrtaiga
To err is human; to forgive, divine, Klaus/Caroline, PG by ceres_wish
Masterpiece, Klaus/Caroline, G by tenshinrtaiga
The silence in between, Klaus/Caroline/Kol, T by jeremy_finch
And we go on..., Klaus/Caroline, 14A by eenaangel
Louder than a burning room, Klaus/Caroline, T by jeremy_finch
Shocking Betrayal, Klaus/Caroline, NC-17 by
Your voice still echoes in my head (and I can't drown it out), Klaus/Caroline, past Damon/Caroline, T by lynzie914
Pockets full of stones, Elijah/Caroline/Klaus, PG-13 by lynzie914

Thanks for participating, everyone! Keep at it! :)

comment ficathon, fanfiction, character: klaus, ship: caroline/klaus, character: caroline f., category: the vampire diaries

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