- I do not like Milly, Rivalz, or Shirley. They are so one-dimensional and uninteresting. They try to make them important to the plot but THEY'RE NOT. Except Shirley, on a minimal level and UGHHH the next episode :JAK!*()!
- This was a dumb episode.
- What- what is Suzaku's purpose anymore?! What is he even doing going to meetings??
- Odysseus' council people are really weird. It makes me wonder what kind of qualifications there are to be in these high ranks in the Britannia army/government. >_>;
- Everytime Rolo was angry, it was pretty freaking amusing. Also, it's pretty sad that I can't remember the last time he used his Geass.
- ARGH what a dumb episode!
- Nunnally visiting Kallen was kinda cool. ...but it's not like they were good friends or anything. Also Kallen's prison outfit looks like C.C.'s first outfit hm.
- LELOUCH, what is the point of making epic battle plans for your school days? Maybe you should focus your time on something else... like saving the best pilot of your Black Knight army without whom your plans as Zero will fail.
- "At this rate, it'll be impossible to destroy and recreate the world." WHY, GREAT OBSERVATION, LELOUCH.
- Why are so many people purposeless in this series?
- I don't mind Lulu/Shirley. But what is this shitty Lulu/Shirley? Their little scene in the library was so badly written.
- Orange's anti-geass is way too powerful. If it could just cancel a Geass in progress, that would be pretty cool but NOOOO why do you have to drag Shirley back into the major plot?? And so up to this point, Shirley has been living obliviously without knowing her parents or anyone else besides the student council? Logic, what is it.
Ok I'm gonna stop now and just sit back and watch the train wreck lol.