"I want to quit Facebook"
That's the status I wanted to post just now.
But it's probably not for the reason that many of my friends will guess. Because people post too much? Sorta. Because it's so time-consuming? Partly. Because remembering birthdays are now only a Facebook alert away? Most definitely. But not only that.
Because of Feminists.
Don't get me wrong... I do not condone mysogyny. Mistreating women is not a cool thing to do. I should know; I am a woman after all. BUT... I am really fucking sick of one small event where one woman didn't put down clear boundaries or one man decided to be a creeper for 10 minutes too long and suddenly, my wall EXPLODES with 25 links to the same article/video/picture/comment of said event and every fb friend and their mother has to put their foot down to say "THIS IS WRONG OMG WOMEN ARE NOT OBJECTS". Of course, every one of these posts will have about 20 comments supporting this point of view.
"Women should be able to wear whatever they want without being hit on/filmed/having booty shots taken of them".
"Men should learn more self control".
"Saying this is the woman's fault is like saying that rape is the woman's fault for wearing sexy clothes".
"It's not enough for the guy to apologize, he committed a wrong."
There's nothing wrong with the comments themselves. People are entitled to free speech. I just do not like to get hammered with this for 20 hours on Facebook every time some mundane event occurs in settings that I have intimate experiences with (university, anime conventions, gaming conferences).
A college girl has sex with her boyfriend (NOT a random guy) and regrets it.
A girl wearing a sexy cosplay has someone take pictures/video of her boobs/butt.
A girl in the gaming industry gets hit on/belittled at a gaming conference.
These types of events are not great things to experience (once again, I would know) but THEY HAPPEN. ALL. THE. TIME. Right right, this doesn't make it "correct" or "okay". But what's the point of blaming the male race every time one of them decides to make an ass of himself? None really, except for women to feel self-entitled to special treatment because they are woman (honestly I find this ironic) and recruit others to subscribe to Feminism. I'm generalizing Feminism, obviously, because I'm not really interesting in differentiating the different types; I'm just annoyed at the result on my Facebook page.
I have my reasons for disagreeing with most of the general consensus on the previously referenced events, that I don't want to spend too much time on. All I will say is that right now, the general issue with most of people involved with creeper incidents is that they are afraid of and/or inexperienced with sex and engaging with the opposite gender (or the same gender) when they are attracted to someone. If people were less afraid of interaction/rejection and went out to on a limb to ask people on dates (within reason lol), I think they would learn social cues to prevent "creeper behavior".
In addition, people need to understand context in a far less ideal way than they seem to. If a woman goes to a bar, even if you are promoting a game or whatever, she CANNOT expect men to clear away from her because she is "strictly business" and has a boyfriend or whatever. Bars serve the purpose of serving alcohol to people so they can socialize and/or hit on people. Sure, a woman may desire to discuss game mechanics with someone and not receive only comments about her boobs, but there's little reason to become offended if that's all she gets. People are drunk and she probably DOES have a damn fine rack. I'm NOT saying that she should submit to men hitting on her. She can always say no, and learn some self-defense moves if he's persistent. There are arguments that people are afraid to cause a scene, as if that's a legitimate reason not to reject someone. If a guy really won't leave you alone and you care enough about your well-being, you should not hesitate to slap him hard. However, there is no reason to cause a scene every time someone asks you for your number. But, I digress.
I don't hate Feminists, although I'm obviously not one. My Facebook, however, is so inundated with people who are that I'm pretty uncomfortable with voicing my opinion on any of these subjects related to women, despite being one. So the more I see these posts along with the infinite statuses related to them, the more I really want to quit. But at the same time, I want to keep up with friends and know about events (in THEIR lives, not crazy people on the news). Wade through the crap on Facebook or quit it altogether? It's an age-old dilemma. Well, at least as old as Facebook.