Who bought new clothes today, with her OWN money?
Olivia did.
Who had chinese food today?
Olivia did.
Who got to brag to Zach about going to the 89x Show?
Olivia did.
Who has mind altering conversations with Meggan?
Your RubberGlove: so you are admitting youve tasted douche?
super eight film: so you are admitting you've tasted douche
super eight film: ?
Your RubberGlove: no but it looks like you are
Your RubberGlove: and you never answered my question
super eight film: and you never answered my question with a question on the side..
Your RubberGlove: ahh you see i did answer your question but you just tried to not answer my question by presenting another question like thing so answer my question yes or no
super eight film: answer mine yes no or maybe so
Your RubberGlove: if he hollers let him go
super eight film: and see, in the midst of all this confusion.. the question was erased from our memory just like that.. shizzam
Your RubberGlove: very true and it just proves one thing
Your RubberGlove: and do you know what that one thing is?
super eight film: what is that one thing?
Your RubberGlove: we have an undiagnosed case of A.D.D
super eight film: or.. aliens found my secret formula for finding the circumference of a butt and they put tubes up ours.. thereby enabling our already corrupt minds into a state of cunfusion, releasing the memory out of our anus as a fart..
Your RubberGlove: aha! that is it!