Title: The English Vice; or, “Nuthin' But a G Thang” (2/2) Pairing: John/Sherlock Rating: NC17/M Warnings: Explicit sex, power play, caning. No spoilers. Part One is here. ( part two. )
Oh, he does feel more than lust. Attachment, security, admiration, annoyance+forgiveness... But "love" he can't really define. He doesn't believe he loves anyone or anything, when the opposite is clearly true. Remember, we are dealing with a very young Sherlock Holmes here; he doesn't quite get it. John Watson is way ahead of him in matters of the heart.
You're probably right - but I was particularly taken by the idea of the Kronos Quartet playing Glass at the Barbican (they did play Glass in London, but not at the Barbican; and they DID play the Barbican, but not Glass!) because I was listening to the score of Mishima and also, the sight of Sherlock playing the violin (in the scene where Benedict Cumberbatch is ACTUALLY playing for real, as I wondered whether or not he knew how to do!) and it became the impetus for me to finally get this fic written. I started on it in April last year but didn't really lock down the story until just a bit ago, and the theme (of control, surrender, memory, and how someone somewhat reluctantly sexual would find a way to "break himself through" his own reticence) didn't come through until I was already writing it. Basically I overthought it, as I do everything.
Comments 8
(The comment has been removed)
But the sex part was flawless <3. Thank you for sharing!
(The comment has been removed)
This is quite fabulous.
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