
Feb 08, 2007 23:33

So I forgot my camera at a friend's house last weekend ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

mythe_grec February 9 2007, 13:24:50 UTC
I always got better pictures with those anyway. The digital get motion blur too much.


terina00 February 10 2007, 04:31:19 UTC
My digital camera is fine with that. It's biggest problem is that it take forever to take a picture. I hit the button, then it flashes like 5 times, then takes it. The subject has usually moved at that point & I missed the moment.

The problem with the SLR is that you have to set the settings PERFECTLY, then hold it REALLY still, or else they turn out bad. Problem is, it's pretty heavy & hard hold still.


mythe_grec February 10 2007, 14:30:09 UTC
You can turnoff the multiple flash thing, but I don't know if it takes the picture any faster.


snuggleszs February 16 2007, 02:08:17 UTC


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