Nativity Story

Feb 28, 2007 09:55

I was at the doctor's the other days, and I came to a wierd realization.

I think that the story of the birth of Christ has forever planted fear in the mind of every woman who has heard it.  What is this fear?  That somehow, someway, they will become pregnant without having had sex.

Imagine it!  You wake up one day and are pregnant.  No one will ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

snuggleszs February 28 2007, 16:34:54 UTC
thus also why men fear "junior"

and arnold


oostaboy March 2 2007, 14:26:13 UTC
That's hilarious because it's true! I heard of a girl recently that was six months pregnant and didn't know about it until she went into the doctor. Worse then that, within the week she found out she went into labor! Can you even begin to imagine!?


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