Application to sirenspull

Apr 27, 2010 12:55

Player Information

Name: RW
Age: 21
AIM SN: ReadingWhiz89
Have you played in an LJ based game before? Yes.
Bonus: How did you hear about Siren's Pull? Joker-mun. c:

Character Information

Canon Source: DC Comics
Canon Format: Comics
Character's Name: Slade Wilson/Deathstroke the Terminator
Character's Age: About 73 (if we take canon literally), but he appears to be middle-aged.
Conditional: If your character is 13 years of age or under, please clarify how they will be played. N/A

What form will your character's NV take? A PDA of some kind.

Character's Canon Abilities: Here.
Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them? N/A
Weapons: Slade is quite skilled with weapons and has been seen to use various types of firearms, explosives, and blades. He also uses a power staff coded to his thermal fingerprint that fires blasts as varying levels of intensity (anywhere from stun to kill) and a promethium sword. The armor he wears weighs about fifty pounds as well since it's lined with Kevlar and later a promethium mesh, making it capable of blocking most gunfire and knives. He will be coming in with his armor, guns and some ammunition, his power staff, a few knives, as well as his promethium blade.

Character History: Here.
Point in Canon: Between Teen Titans 78 and the Villains For Hire Special, which is a fairly significant turning point in Slade's life. Ever since Identity Crisis, Slade has slipped further from the usual code of morality that previously governed his actions since he's been allying himself with villains left and right. However, in more recent arcs such as Titans East and faces of Evil, there's been some indication that Slade is trying to draw himself back from that -- that he will be the one who decides who dies from now on. This culminates in Teen Titans 77-78, the crossover with Blackest Night (a worldwide DC event) in which he is confronted and nearly killed by dead friends and family. He comes out of that alive with the help of his two children, Joseph and Rose, his relationship with the former restored. Now, with plans already formulating to form his own mercenary team, Slade will enter Siren's Port back on the mercenary market and open to the possibilities.
Conditional: Brief summary of previous RP history: N/A

Character Personality: Slade Wilson is, to put it quite simply, a very complicated man -- not good, not bad, but always balancing in that gray area of what is right and what is wrong. He does have a rather strict sense of morality, though it is in no way conventional or, sometimes, acceptable to the more heroic people he comes into contact with. He is a man with goals, drive, and ambition, and he never does anything unless he gives it his very best. There's a sort of duality to his personality, though, much in the same way Batman is a different entity from Bruce Wayne.

When not in uniform, Slade Wilson is actually a rather likable man. He's smart, functioning not only off of book smarts but street smarts as well. Slade can also be something of a social animal, and though he isn't necessarily talkative, he is perfectly comfortable with being around people when he needs to be. There are people he cares about deeply as well even though he rarely ever voices such sentiments. Initially, this is because he seems to be unable to find the words. (It's also implied that Slade's problem with expressing affection is derived from issues with his own father, though they are never specifically explicated.) Later on, however, Slade outright refuses to show how much he cares because of fear and guilt. Despite extenuating circumstances, Slade blames himself for what has happened to Grant, Joey, and Adeline, to the point where he actually pushes others away from him (Wintergreen and Pat Trayce, especially) because he's afraid that if he allows them to be close to him, they'll be killed as well. He even goes so far as to effectively disown his own daughter simply because he believes keeping her away from him will help her to be safe.

Despite how much pain and loss there has been in his life, Slade nonetheless maintains his moral code such as it is and tries to cope the only way he knows how: compartmentalization. Slade quite deliberately keeps his personal life separated from his professional life as Deathstroke the Terminator. Thus, while Slade Wilson the man can be somewhat likable, the mercenary Deathstroke the Terminator is not. As Deathstroke, Slade detaches from his surroundings, keeping any emotional involvement in what he's doing to an absolute minimum. This often makes him come off as heartless, and in a way, it makes him frightening since he'll stop at nothing to complete an assignment once he's taken it on. Despite this, Slade only kills when he needs to and does not delight in violence -- for him, it is merely a means to an end, and though he does get an adrenaline boost from the thrill of the hunt, the end is simply business.
Conditional: Personality development in previous game: N/A
Character Plans: Since Slade is a mercenary by trade, I'd like to get him involved in bounty hunting and/or working for the differing factions in the City. He's fairly equal opportunity about who hires him, though if he believes a job is rotten, it's unlikely he'll take it unless he sees an angle he can exploit. Either way, assassination, retrieval (of people or objects), and bodyguard work are all right up his alley.

Appearance/PB: Though he's actually in his seventies, Slade appears to be middle-aged as his hair and beard is completely white -- a side-effect of the experiment he underwent when he was a younger man instead of actual aging. He is 6'4", muscular without being hulking, and weighs 225 pounds. He wears an eyepatch over his right eye socket (it was shot out years ago), though his remaining one is blue. A rather intimidating character when he wants to be, Slade is most in his element when he's on the job, clad in the blue and orange uniform that made him infamous. For reference: Icons!

Writing Samples

First Person Sample

[The audio clicks on, and calm, rather dry male voice comes through.]

Siren's Port. [It's almost mocking the way he says it.] I'd almost say I was surprised if I didn't know any better.

Tell me: besides the general chaos, the Core, and the Darkness, what else does 'newmeat' need to know?

Third Person Sample

The first thing he was aware of was the ringing. Nevermind the pressure that sucked the air from his lungs and seemed to crush his very bones -- for someone with heightened senses such as his, the noise was nearly unbearable. Thankfully, it began to subside within moments as he pressed a gloved hand to his forehead.

"The hell," he muttered, blinking slowly as he gradually regained his bearings. Narrowing his singular eye, he scanned the area, taking in the (apparently) abandoned baseball diamond. There were signs as well, none of which seemed particularly helpful, or at least not unto themselves.

Filing away the fragments of information for later, he moved out of the center of the field, uncomfortable with standing out in the open. He didn't know where he was or how he'd come to be here, but it didn't exactly take a genius to figure out he wasn't in Kansas anymore.

Damn it.

He grit his teeth. This kind of shit always had the worst timing. He'd only recently reconciled with Joe, and now he was supposed to deal with this? What was going to happen to his son?

Making a face under the mask, he kept walking, staying out of sight so as not to draw attention to himself. His circumstances were unfortunate to say the least. Still, making a fuss over it wasn't going to help anything. He was a practical man, first and foremost, and it wasn't his style to just sit and wait. Whether or not he'd been transported to a completely different world (which was a distinct possibility), he'd adapt, as he always did. Returning home was his first priority, but for now he'd settle for learning more about his environment -- the game all of this undoubtedly was.

And after that? Well.

He'd play by his own rules.

application, ooc, [comm] sirenspull

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