We have three quick news items today ahead of our first official edition of The North Star. Keep an eye out next week for
Terminus updates and news about the hotel, programming, and more!
The panel from Phoenix Rising is now available! Visit the book club home page at
http://www.bordersmedia.com/harrypotter/default.asp, or jump straight to the videocast at
http://www.bordersmedia.com/harrypotter/snapepanel/. You can view it online or download it to watch later in Windows Media or Quicktime (iPod compatible) formats.
If you were in the first 100 registrants, and your registration has been paid, we ordered you a special edition
Terminus conference t-shirt. It will be sent by Muggle post at the beginning of next week, so we hope that you’ll have it in hand in time to wear to a movie or book release! (If you are in the first 100 registrants, but you haven't yet paid, we have your shirt and we'll ship it out as soon as we receive your payment.)
More than 50 volunteers across and outside of the U.S. will be receiving Terminus giveaways to take to line parties, pre-movie meetups, and to bookstores to share with other fans just in time for midnight. If you can help us get these goodies into the hands of others who love the Harry Potter series as much as you do, please drop Renee an e-mail right away at renee.antoine@terminus2008.org with your name, mailing address, and a little information about your plans, if they’re finalized (such as “meeting up with local group before we see the movie” or “waiting in line for my book at the Big Bookstore in Sioux Falls”), so that we can make sure you have Terminus items in time to share them. We really appreciate all of your help and support in spreading the word!
(You can also drop your information in a comment, logged in or anonymously; all replies are screened. Please be sure to put any questions in a comment separate from your information, though, since comments are briefly unscreened during replies.)
Questions? Please feel free to e-mail us at help@terminus2008.org.