Hey guys! We're roughly two months out from Terminus (!!!), so we thought it was a good time to get to know each other. Please fill out the information below and post it as a comment to this entry. This is to see who is coming, where they're from, and what we're all into -- discussions and conversations stemming from comments encouraged! Let's get
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Comments 169
Age (optional :D): Older than the hills but younger than John McCain.
Traveling from: Bahsten
Writer/Artist/Reccer/Reader? Writer
Years in Fandom? 2
Other cons attended, if any: None
Day and time you're arriving: Thursday, late morning
Other meet-ups at Terminus you'd like to attend (eg: Snarry, Snupin, etc.: Not that I'm aware of.
Roomies @ Terminus? frayach if I can talk her into going.
For fun!
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Favorite HP book: HBP
Favorite H/D Author(s)? Too numerous to name
Favorite H/D Artist(s)? Lillithium, Red_Rahl, and Djinnyah.
Favorite place to read H/D (archive, community, fest): My flist.
Favorite non-H/D pairing: Surely you jest.
Anything extra you'd like to share?: Right now I'm eating cashews.
And you better convince frayach to come, oh yes.
Feel free to help convince frayach! I think a little peer pressure would do it.
Age (optional :D): 24
Traveling from: Boston!
Writer/Artist/Reccer/Reader? Writer, former and sometimes current reccer, sporadic reader, and Mod (hd_holidays)
Years in Fandom? 5 (OMG SRSLY? SO OLD :P)
Other cons attended, if any: The Witching Hour, Sectus
Day and time you're arriving: Wednesday, mid-morning
Other meet-ups at Terminus you'd like to attend: Slasher mixer!
Roomies @ Terminus? coffeejunkii, kriken and gossymer, if I can convince her to go!
For fun!
Favorite HP book: I always fall back on GoF, though I really loved HbP... UNTIL GINNY AND HARRY STARTED MAKING OUT
Favorite H/D Author(s)? furiosity, marksykins (OLD SKOOL), violet_quill
Favorite H/D Artist(s)? red_rahl, lizardspots, sherant, lillithium, sillyshy, ships_harry
Favorite place to read H/D (archive, community, fest): H/D HOLIDAYS, OBVIOUSLY :P I'm a big fest reader, though I have some staples on my flist I read outside of fests
Favorite non-H/D pairing(s): Harry/Percy, Percy/Teddy, Harry/Zacharias
Anything extra you'd like to share?: I love Percy... could you tell? :P
Age (optional :D): 37
Traveling from: NYC
Writer/Artist/Reccer/Reader? Writer/Reccer/Reader, can't draw for shit
Years in Fandom? since 2001
Other cons attended, if any: Nimbus2003, Convention Alley 2004, Witching Hour 2005, Lumos 2006, Phoenix Rising and Prophecy 2007
Day and time you're arriving: Wed at 11
Other meet-ups at Terminus you'd like to attend: (eg: Snarry, Snupin, etc.) Snarry
Roomies @ Terminus? sabershadowkat
For fun!
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Favorite HP book: Prisoner of Azkaban
Favorite H/D (or other) Author(s)? too many
Favorite H/D (or other) Artist(s)? Not big into art
Favorite place to read H/D (archive, community, fest): Anything on LJ
Favorite non-H/D pairing(s): Any slash with Snape or Darco
Anything extra you'd like to share?: Is it August yet?
Age (optional :D): Younger than 98% of you guys >.>
Traveling from: The distant land of Chicago's north suburbs
Writer/Artist/Reccer/Reader? Writer/reader/occasional reccer
Years in Fandom? Five if you're looking at fanfiction experience, one if you're looking at involvement in the LJ part of fandom
Other cons attended, if any: n/a
Day and time you're arriving: I'll be here all summer!
Other meet-ups at Terminus you'd like to attend: n/a
Roomies @ Terminus? I won't be staying, unless one of my (anti-fandom) friends lets me crash in her room
For fun!
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Favorite HP book: HBP
Favorite H/D (or other) Author(s)? furiosity, mahaliem, femmequixotic, frayach, velvetblood... actually, I have too many to name, so let's just leave it at that
Favorite H/D (or other) Artist(s)? red_rahl, sherant, reallycorking, mudblood428, maria_abagnale, lizardspots
Favorite place to read H/D (archive, community, fest): I mostly just read the recs that pop up on my f-list. I follow hd_hols obsessively, too :P
Favorite non-H/D pairing(s): Scorpius/anyone, but mostly just AS/S :D
Anything extra you'd like to share?: If anyone ( ... )
Age (optional :D): I'll be 23 on June 3. :)
Traveling from: Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Writer/Artist/Reccer/Reader? Writer and reader, predominantly. I rec and beta and squee and serve as a newsletter editor for snapenews, remus_news, and daily_snitch
Years in Fandom? Hmm, I read my first fic (Draco Veritas) at the insistence of a co-worker in Feb 2005. My co-worker was sequeeing about slash, and I had no idea what she was talking about. My response when being told about m/m pairings was less than positive. So, now three amazingly insightful years and several failed het OTPs later, here we are. (I used to be very, very conservative and was indoctrinated with all kinds of shit. That, to say the least, has changed due to a variety of factors.)
Other cons attended, if any: Lumos, Phoenix Rising, and Sectus.
Day and time you're arriving: I really don't know right now. I've had some scheduling conflicts as related to school come up and it really sucks.
Other meet-ups at Terminus you'd ( ... )
And *blushes*... thank you! No one ever cites me on their favorites list :P <3
I'll see what I can do. I need to know more about dates for my school shit first before I can make any airline commitments. God, I've I'm really in a bind, I'll fucking drive to Chicago. *g* 13 hours, w00t!
And *blushes*... thank you! No one ever cites me on their favorites list :P <3
Aww. I wasn't doing it to suck up. ^^ I really do love your work.
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