Jul 15, 2011 18:42
We're in agreement, the nephew and I, that while a blue slushie is always a good idea, a GINORMOUS blue slushie is maybe not so good.
Blarg. (She said with a blue tongue.)
Jul 06, 2011 11:47
I know it seems crazy, but, trust me.
(Muah hahahahhahahahah!)
Jun 01, 2011 22:31
There's no biting in hockey, dogdammit.
May 18, 2011 19:22
I just grabbed an entire pound of morels from the yard.
Will post pics later, or tomorrow, because right now I'm focused on cleaning and EATING the things.
Woo hoo!
May 15, 2011 13:46
Many resounding and well-deserved *SNORTS* from my corner of the theatre.
Melissa McCarthy's schtick is just not to be missed.
I wont say why, because that would RUIN it for you.
May 10, 2011 19:39
Okay, a tree, really.
I am in need of an Eastern Redbud. (or two)
Anybody remember seeing such at their local nursery?
Didn't *see* one at Mahoney's but I also didn't ask, so I can check it again, but I figured the hive mind might know.
May 03, 2011 17:28
George Lucas Doppelganger Neighbor is having an entire roof full of solar panels installed right now.
"It's a political statement" he says. Hoping to prod some naysayers in the town that is always strangely red on election maps.
I <3 everything about this.
Apr 28, 2011 20:15
A politician in the next town over has signs up that say "BUY THE FARM!" above his name.
One suspects a misunderstanding has occurred.
One wonders how nobody on his staff talked him out of it.
Dec 07, 2010 21:05
For killing your family and then yourself, apparently.
Anyone else noticed the trend?
(And anyone have access to stats that would let me know if it's actually OMG SO MUCH WORSE THAN USUAL THIS YEAR???)