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    terpsichoros Oct 27, 2012 18:38

    Bunches of pictures:
    PEERS Picnic Dance, August 4.
    PEERS Steampunktoberfest, October 6.
    Steamstock - steampunk music festival in Richmond, October 7. http://steamstock.org/
    East Bay Waltz Halloween Dance, October 20.
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  • Filk of the day

    terpsichoros Sep 08, 2012 14:35

    Chorus ( Read more... )
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    terpsichoros Sep 08, 2012 13:56

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    terpsichoros Jul 21, 2012 11:30

    It's Christmas in July! I finally got through my Dickens Fair pictures and posted them.

    This year, they're all on one page - no separate page for Dark Garden. I didn't take nearly so many pictures this past run; most of these pictures are from one day.
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