Hey I don't have anything new to report or any interesting observations or anything, so instead I will post scans of things I have not really drawn recently. Boss!
SO I LOVE ALIAS. Except for when you know the show gets crappy b/c J.J. Abrams WTF, I think we've all been there, LOST IS CRAP blah blah blah.
For shipping? Jack/Irina all the way. Until the finale made Irina dumb but I kinda just ignore that? That pairing is like a convergence of badass and old man sexy and hot Russian moral ambiguity and weird domesticity and that awesome family vacation where they all just blew people up with machine guns.
I like lots of things about Alias, though. Like, David Anders. And Sydney Bristow and her wig collection. And that one time Jack talked about how to remove people's eyes with sporks. And I loved Will and Francie too. Really I think the problem with that show is that-- as awesome as S2 was, they wrapped up all those plots too quickly. They could have gone on for a while.
SPYFAMILY episodes were always the best. LENA OLIN. Such a wonderfully messed up family dynamic, I LOVE IT.
Who didn't discover David Anders on Alias??? I mean I guess I can see why the Heroes fans are jumping onboard, but really I feel better than them because Alias >>>>>>>> Heroes and also his hair WAS fluffy and SHOOTING PEOPLE WITH MACHINE GUNS and yesss.
I totally agree, it was best when she had to balance both lives and her friends didn't know. I loved the season-long "Will finding out" plot. ALSO THAT IS WHAT I WANT MY GRAD SCHOOL EXPERIENCE TO BE LIKE. Except, y'know, with more history.
A) So I'm really into the Bucky/Black Widow thing at the moment, which is a combination of "I ship Natasha with everyone" and also my love of complicated Russian spy relationships as exemplified in Alias. And really I also just like kickass couple fighting? Superhero comics give you a lot of that, it makes me happy :) Plus she calls Bucky out on his bullshit, which is needed.
Historically I like most of Steve's canon romances. Steve/Tony is something I like in theory and enjoy the heaps and heaps of subtext for, but the fandom is alll blah blah blah hurt/comfort let's turn two kickass characters into weeping man-vaginas, so.
4 SRS, DICK/BABS OTP. Dick needs to settle down and not be such a hobag. Of all the canon Bruce stuff the only thing I like is Bruce/Selina. BUT. I like it better when it's all random booty calls and Selina might just pack off and leave any moment. They're totally meant for eachother, but I also love the on-again/off-again thing it has.
a. FFFFFFFFF Abyss is one of those fandoms where I ship no one and hence everyone?? Basically all the main cast have lovely dynamics with each other. I will admit a special secret ashamed fondness of Guy/Natalia THOUGH I HAVE NO IDEA WHY.
Also Dist masturbating to Jade in his chair = HOT
b. VALKYRIE PROFILE is a strange strange JRPG where your main character is an emotionless goddess and all your party members are dead!! It's got a pretty standard Tri-Ace style battle system, a lot of platforming elements, and basically everyone is either a horrible person or completely doomed, which is for me a nice change of pace. UHHH. The second game is a lot more traditional in terms of the plot, but keeps the Norse Mythology and makes some nice improvements to the battle system.
THANK YOU?? I realize retroactively that these are all like the same picture because they are doodles :OOO
A) I SHIP YURI/ALICE, I THINK EVERYONE DOES?? I liked Yuri/Karin in its strange way, but incest is kind of a big do not pass go do not collect 200 dollars thing I have. Also I ship Joachim/everything. Basically I feel every fandom would be better if Joachim were somehow involved. Twilight? Could use more Joachim.
B) OKAY, there are two games so far and I like both. The second is a lot more traditional in story structure than the first one but also easier to find? The first is charming because it's so strange. All your party members are dead, the plot is told only sporadically, the main character is kind of a heartless bitch :D The battle system is...well, I really like it, but it's pretty complex. There are also a lot of jumping puzzles and stuff in both games.
ALSO THE VILLAIN IS AWESOME, and Valkyrie armor is cool.
FFFFFFF imagine if all the Twilight fans were replaced by Shadow Hearts fans?? IT WOULD BE A CRAZY ALTERNATE DIMENSION.
gamera and I were talking and we decided that Joachim was the thing missing most from this season of Heroes But I dunno. I think Hamlet could use some more Joachim too.
The thing about Valkyrie Profile is that the first game is impossible to find and really expensive unless you have a PSP. But! The sequel is easier to find and fun :D
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SO I LOVE ALIAS. Except for when you know the show gets crappy b/c J.J. Abrams WTF, I think we've all been there, LOST IS CRAP blah blah blah.
For shipping? Jack/Irina all the way. Until the finale made Irina dumb but I kinda just ignore that? That pairing is like a convergence of badass and old man sexy and hot Russian moral ambiguity and weird domesticity and that awesome family vacation where they all just blew people up with machine guns.
I like lots of things about Alias, though. Like, David Anders. And Sydney Bristow and her wig collection. And that one time Jack talked about how to remove people's eyes with sporks. And I loved Will and Francie too. Really I think the problem with that show is that-- as awesome as S2 was, they wrapped up all those plots too quickly. They could have gone on for a while.
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SPYFAMILY episodes were always the best. LENA OLIN. Such a wonderfully messed up family dynamic, I LOVE IT.
Who didn't discover David Anders on Alias??? I mean I guess I can see why the Heroes fans are jumping onboard, but really I feel better than them because Alias >>>>>>>> Heroes and also his hair WAS fluffy and SHOOTING PEOPLE WITH MACHINE GUNS and yesss.
I totally agree, it was best when she had to balance both lives and her friends didn't know. I loved the season-long "Will finding out" plot. ALSO THAT IS WHAT I WANT MY GRAD SCHOOL EXPERIENCE TO BE LIKE. Except, y'know, with more history.
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A) So I'm really into the Bucky/Black Widow thing at the moment, which is a combination of "I ship Natasha with everyone" and also my love of complicated Russian spy relationships as exemplified in Alias. And really I also just like kickass couple fighting? Superhero comics give you a lot of that, it makes me happy :) Plus she calls Bucky out on his bullshit, which is needed.
Historically I like most of Steve's canon romances. Steve/Tony is something I like in theory and enjoy the heaps and heaps of subtext for, but the fandom is alll blah blah blah hurt/comfort let's turn two kickass characters into weeping man-vaginas, so.
Also I ship Arnim Zola/Red Skull.
B) I don't have a fandom called "what?"
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Sometimes he tops. Sometimes the crowbar does.
4 SRS, DICK/BABS OTP. Dick needs to settle down and not be such a hobag. Of all the canon Bruce stuff the only thing I like is Bruce/Selina. BUT. I like it better when it's all random booty calls and Selina might just pack off and leave any moment. They're totally meant for eachother, but I also love the on-again/off-again thing it has.
Also Dist masturbating to Jade in his chair = HOT
b. VALKYRIE PROFILE is a strange strange JRPG where your main character is an emotionless goddess and all your party members are dead!! It's got a pretty standard Tri-Ace style battle system, a lot of platforming elements, and basically everyone is either a horrible person or completely doomed, which is for me a nice change of pace. UHHH. The second game is a lot more traditional in terms of the plot, but keeps the Norse Mythology and makes some nice improvements to the battle system.
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A) I SHIP YURI/ALICE, I THINK EVERYONE DOES?? I liked Yuri/Karin in its strange way, but incest is kind of a big do not pass go do not collect 200 dollars thing I have. Also I ship Joachim/everything. Basically I feel every fandom would be better if Joachim were somehow involved. Twilight? Could use more Joachim.
B) OKAY, there are two games so far and I like both. The second is a lot more traditional in story structure than the first one but also easier to find? The first is charming because it's so strange. All your party members are dead, the plot is told only sporadically, the main character is kind of a heartless bitch :D The battle system is...well, I really like it, but it's pretty complex. There are also a lot of jumping puzzles and stuff in both games.
ALSO THE VILLAIN IS AWESOME, and Valkyrie armor is cool.
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gamera and I were talking and we decided that Joachim was the thing missing most from this season of Heroes But I dunno. I think Hamlet could use some more Joachim too.
The thing about Valkyrie Profile is that the first game is impossible to find and really expensive unless you have a PSP. But! The sequel is easier to find and fun :D
ROFL! <33
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