So those of you who, for whatever sordid and nerdy reason, read Marvel previews catalogs, might have noticed something. Something with boobs. For those of you who don't read the Marvel previews catalog (and I mean who does that that would be sordid and nerdy) I recreate a page for you below, behind a flist cut of some sort.
Beware!! FEMALES!! )
Comments 45
I think I'm kind of the opposite. I used to debate on high school and university teams, which I think made me a little bit too quick to jump in for a fight. I've learned to pick my battles better with age (I think). But sometimes I think we all just stand there going "wtf?".
(I'm an idiot and I wrote a new comment and not a response. FORGIVE ME)
And it's a shame, because normally I'd think going back in time would be pretty neat!!
I'm a pretty good debater about like, things I'm not personally invested in, like, "just how gay was James I"?? But when it's something like sexisim, which still spoilers: effects my life today, I get all struck temporarily mute.
BUT DON'T WORRY, I'm gaining XP, one day I will level up.
Yeah, finding the words when it comes to something that touches us personally can be quite difficult. With all your XP though, it's only a matter of time before you totally hax some of these people. ;)
Reminds me of the dude who was wanking about girls getting cooties on his SyFy and just, sigh.
Yeah, fear of vaginas is pretty universal throughout geekdom, I've realized. I could tell you about those times I was told no girl would want to play Final Fantasy because Vincent Valentine was so manly.
Also, there's been like three manly men in Square's history, and Vincent ain't one of 'em.
And I took Diana Schutz's class, actually, so maybe if Bendis offers it again I will take his. I KNOW WHERE HE LIVES, after all.
It's not so much "omg a female reads comics" a lot of people do, but uh, you can't help but react when other people react to you, you know? I certainly don't walk around going "BOOBS LOL I HAVE BOOBS" and I'm not out to be offended, but sometimes people say offensive things to me, and then everything just goes to pot.
AND, AND: I am pretty sure Quesada said they were following up the Reunion with another mini or something sometime in 2010. I also suspect they're just gonna relanuch Ms. Marvel as a part of this Women of Marvel deal, and hope a new #1 helps the series do better.
I do know what you mean. Jason Pearson (he's doing the Deadpool/Bullseye mini and the Deadpool covers right now) was at our place for NYE and asked me how I got into comics because he's seen so few girls so heavily involved, and was genuinely interested in what I had to say. It's refreshing to be treated like a human being! What I do hate is this notion that women interested in comics must be made a big deal out of and treated specially. By the industry itself, I mean. How about just acting like we are all people enjoying the same thing?
The Ms. Marvel ongoing lost its way quite a bit I felt (around the Arachne thing), but it was just getting good again once Carol kicked Karla's ass. Dammit!
I'm a bit skeptical about this female-driven event comic because I'm not sure how it could have a plausible premise? But we'll see. It would be nice to see Ms. Marvel take center stage for once, instead of Iron Man. The fact that they're doing this means they're giving female characters extra promotion, which means they're less likely to be cancelled in 5 issues like Doctor Voodoo. But we have to see.
I also haven't seen militant feminist cliches in any comics I've read by women. Only comics written by men. HMMM.
There is something genuinely wrong with anyone who thinks "Hey, a comic written to celebrate women by women!" automatically equals MAN-HATING FEMINAZI.
Why, you might even say it's "vomit inducing."
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