>Be Koharu Izaki
It turns out godtier comes with a sweet hoodie and you find a river nearby to admire it in. You almost notice something else as you admire how pretty the purple looks with your horns and how nicely it matches your eyes, but Trollian is blinking at you and you figure you should reassure Sora that you are ok and are in fact not dead. Or. Not dead anymore.
SoraHimoto [SH] began trolling KoharuIzaki [KI] at ??:??
SH: koharu!!
SH: koharu are you okay? please be okay!
SH: D:K kajiwara didn't really kill you right?
SH: he can't have killed you
SH: oh no! yuki too!!
SH: what are the boys thinking!!
KI: I'm fine Sora! ^-^ Really! They helped us sort of...?
SH: koharu!! C:K they helped you? o:K
KI: I had to die to ascend to god tier! Did Yuki do it too...?
SH: let me ask!! i'm glad you're ok <>
SoraHimoto [SH] ceased trolling KoharuIzaki [KI] at ??:??
You notice the fairy wings when you look back at the water this time and turn to get a better look. They're cream and ivory which you think suits you or it would if you weren't gray with black hair, but they match your hair ribbons which is nice.
You spend a minute contemplating if Sora will wax flushed for you if you rush into her planet and defeat all her foes for her. This goes on for a little while, a complete reversal of your usual Sora to the rescue fantasy and Sora is just about to hold out the pails and show her appreciation for your daring deed when Trollian blinks at you.
YukiYagizawa [YY] began trolling KoharuIzaki [KI] at ??:??
YY: 1 d1dn't th1nk y0u were at the t0p of y0ur echeladder yet. Congratulat10ns.
KI: Ah...? Kajiwara helped a little! Sort of...? He didn't mean to help! He was trying to ruin things I think...? Killing me and all of that...? But Tomoko was a good serVer player and took me to my quest bed!
YY: Y0u're the Ma1d 0f Heart right? We haven't g0tten t0 talk much s1nce th1s started <>
KI: Right! Ah you're the Seer of Time right...?
YY: Guess what Sora 1s
KI: A knight...? ^^;
YY: The Kn1ght 0f L1ght even. 1 have t0 g0 back 1n t1me a b1t for n0w but I'll l00p back t0 talk m0re sh0rtly.
YukiYagazawa [YY] ceased trolling KoharuIzaki [KI] at ??:??
YukiYagizawa [YY] began trolling KoharuIzaki [KI] at ??:??
YY: Be careful of H1y0. She 1sn't the W1tch of Rage for n0 reas0n.
YY: Maybe a Kn1ght 0f L1ght can keep her under c0ntr0l.
YukiYagazawa [YY] ceased trolling KoharuIzaki [KI] at ??:??
You blink at the warning but decide to take it to heart. A Seer of Time must know best.