I know you have all heard it here or there....but I'd like to share my feeling. And 'Gah!' they are feeling.....
Wow! What a great episode, or so I thought. In the beginning, psycho slayer kind of reminded me of that girl from the ring but as the story projected......it hurt my heart knowing what she went through. I have an extremely deep sympathy for those who have been kidnapped or taken away and go through such dramatic things and even this was only a *tv-show* it was a deep topic......except for the whole cut of your hands I'm crazy thing. I loved how Andrew came up. He makes me laugh hysterically! especially with his whole "gather around and I'll tell you a story thing"
And also, what was up with the whole trust issue! Did u see how Angel's face fell when he learned how Buffy *was* behind this and how quote "They didn't trust him" Uggh
I found that whole thing at the end about how Angel and Spike were once innocents very 'deep' I'm enjoying this word
On another note, anyone ever read Lords of Discipline by Pat Conroy.
Ughhhh what a fabulous book!!!! I love it so much. I read up to chapter 41 and was sobbing. Why can't they just let them be~!