SO MY LITTLE SISTER. She's kind of ridiculous. And I kind of love her a ridiculous amount because she DOES THINGS LIKE THIS.
EXPLANATION SORT OF: I am my little sister's second mother. When I'm at home, I'm constantly bothering her about doing her schoolwork (including calling her at work to be like "....are you doing it now?" "WHY ARE YOU CALLING ME ON YOUR BREAK" She yells back at me. oh little sister ♥). My sister also really likes stealing my camera and taking pictures of herself with it. Tonight, I foolishly left her alone in my room while I was watching a movie, and this was the result....she was so pleased with herself a;sldkgja;woi she came down in the middle of the movie and told me SHE HAD MADE ME A PRESENT :D :D WATCH IT NOW, KRISSY. Then I fell off my chair. Good times.
I've been working like crazy over break, but when I'm not slaving away as a cashier I've been working on a....project.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah. My little sister was doing her homework next to me when I finished, and she just gave me this look and said: "You are now officially the biggest nerd ever."
GOD THE STENCIL TOOK FOREVER. So difficult to cut out all their tiny little faces and everything, ugh. But I'm really pleased with how it turned out, except now I have to keep on explaining what "Arashi" means and why I have five random Asian dudes on my chest. And I still need something to put on the back. It'll probably be like, a rainbow or something. A rainbow with sparkles.