> You aren't sure why you have the feeling you're being watched.
You're just chilling in the kitchen, after all. For some reason the closet was denying you your delicious LICORICE SCOTTY DOGS so you had to leave the seclusion of your room. Oh well. It's not like you have a problem with stairs or anything if that HUGE BITCH isn't around anyway,
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Except that the kitchen is occupied by someone who may not like you very much.
...This sucks.
Though the fact that you're looking for food might show that you're not a creepy VAMPIRE or anything.
Instead of turning around and coming back another time, you decide that it might be possible to grab something while Slick's busy looking for licorice and get out before he notices you. Clearly, this plan is foolproof, because you made it, and you are good at making the best plans.
You enter the kitchen to look for something edible.
You're still pretty sore about that, but your stomach's incessant grumbling is very distracting so you decide to let him slide for now.
what you looking for
What? You're bored. Besides, maybe he's still all jumpy around you. That was funny.
Why? There was probably a good reason like it being really warm but that would make too much sense and you still can't eat grapes but even as a wee petite babby you HAVE figured out what you can eat and since there's a person right there it obviously means they owe it to the great LAMBO-SAN so it's time to be ~*~AWESOME~*~
You descend from the heavens in some really freaky strange sort of jump, hoping that your GLORIOUS AFRO will catch enough wind to keep you from ultimately plummeting to failure as you try to land on this STRANGER'S SHOULDER.
You ignore the fact he actually looks like the guy from the Neighborhood Watch alerts.
You aren't sure what the hell that thing is, but it sure isn't human. It could ALMOST pass as human, but the shape of its head is too grotesque and you're pretty sure that humans don't have manes. Though he's also too pink to be a troll.
what the fuck are you
It could have also been your AWESOME BOSS LUCK, but most likely the combination theory.
You wave your arms at this STRANGER DANGER man and are annoyed to learn that everything is still REALLY REALLY TALL compared to you. Not like that ever changed.
Lambo wants to drink your blood!!!
You tell him that there's no way he could bite through your carapace even if he tried as hard as his wee body could try. Though you tell him that in bolder and more masculine words.
You try your best to not say hi.
After another moment of a fruitless search for delectable candy, you turn toward her and shrug a shoulder. You ask her what the hell she's staring at and ask her if she's one of the weird biting humans you've seen fluttering around the past couple of days.
Oh well. You ask her what she wants since you're standing near the fridge anyway.
Sporting your fashionable eyepatch and flannel shirt combination, you dig through your own cupboard and withdraw a delicious SLICE OF PIE. After getting a fork and digging in, you nod your hello.
'Sup, dude.
You, however, notice the ice cream eating man and his STUNNING EYE PATCH that you are not jealous of at all what-so-ever. You also recognize this man as the one you said looked stupid a couple days ago. You make sure to tell him that he still looks stupid as you find the DELICIOUS LICORICE you had been searching for. Victory is yours, for now. Unfortunately your mun does not have an icon fitting of this victory. You are silently ashamed of her.
Like I said, man. Jealous.
You grin in that irritatingly smug way that you are known for.
After all, your vampire hunting endeavors have been largely fruitless. It's not as if you have anything better to do.
You make your approach silently, as always.
You're making a mess.
im not making a mess
besides the mansion cleans it up
no point in being careful
nothings ever where it was before anyway
You're looking for something specific?
Okay no you don't, but for the sake of making a joke you think it anyway.
the closets arent putting out right now
just looking for something to snack on
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