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Dec 30, 2007 11:36

It's six in the morning, and both Yamapi and Jin are exhausted. They've just spent the night watching movies, drinking, and talking, and they should have gone to bed hours ago. Ryo's supposed to come over for breakfast, but as things stand, they can hardly keep their eyes open. Jin's already taken off his jeans and the weird housecoat thing he's taken to wearing lately, and has spent the last three hours or so shambling around in his t-shirt and boxers.

"Oh," Jin says, yawning as he climbs off of the couch and shuffles towards the kitchen. "Let's take something to stay awake."

"Sleep," Yamapi protests. "Sleep is good."

By the time Jin's rescued the bottle of pills from the cabinet by the refrigerator and collapsed back onto the couch, Yamapi is already dozing on his arm, sitting crookedly against the cushions.

"Hey," Jin says, poking him firmly in the side and rattling the bottle. Yamapi cracks an eye open, but he doesn't look happy about it. "Come on," Jin says. "Seriously. Ryo-chan is coming over soon, and he'll be mad if we're asleep."

"Let's sleep until then, ne? I unlocked the door. He'll wake us~"

Jin frowns. "Just take one."

Yamapi sighs and reaches up, rubbing both of his eyes and stretching. "What is it? I’m not taking any pills-"

"An herbal supplement," Jin swears, squinting at the label. "Something about raising… est…e… energy?"

Yamapi looks doubtful. "Where did you get it?"

Jin shrugs, popping the lid off the bottle. "I must have gotten it in America. It's in English, here-"

Yamapi grudgingly holds out his hand and Jin tilts the bottle, letting a generous amount of capsules topple out. Jin pours roughly the same amount into his hand, and they toss them back in unison, wrestling briefly for the bottle of water on the coffee table. Jin spills it all over them, and Yamapi nearly chokes on his capsules as cold water drenches his t-shirt.

"Bakanishi!" he admonishes, between coughs.

Jin smiles sheepishly, taking another sip of water. "I feel more awake already!" he announces.

"Yeah," Yamapi says, frowning. "I feel awake too." He looks sadly down at his shirt.

There's an awkward moment of silence then. Jin shifts against the couch, wondering at the strange, uncomfortable, tingling sensations he's experiencing in extremely personal places. He feels like he should leave, or at least avoid Yamapi until it passes, but then Yamapi lets out a loud, intrusive squawk, and Jin looks at him in surprise.

Yamapi is still staring down at his chest, but the wet t-shirt is stretched across it now… stretched across Yamapi's suddenly expansive bosom. Jin starts to laugh, but as he shifts his arm, he brushes the swell of his own breast, and he stops abruptly.

Jin stares down at his breasts in total shock, as Yamapi continues to let out small panicked noises. Somehow, Yamapi having breasts doesn't seem too weird to Jin, but this… Jin can't stop staring at the way his breasts strain against the cotton of his t-shirt, at the dips and curve of the fabric stretching around them. Slowly, carefully, Jin reaches up to touch them.

He gasps at the first touch of his fingers to the soft curve of his tits, gasps and lets his hands wander, so lost in the act of groping himself that he almost forgets about Yamapi.

"Hey," Yamapi says, just as Jin brushes his fingertips across his nipples. He stops awkwardly, hands gripping his breasts, and glances at Pi.

Yamapi's in a similar state-his t-shirt is shoved up a little bit, and Jin feels stirrings of excitement as he realizes that Yamapi's t-shirt is still very wet, and therefore also very see-through. He can't tear his eyes away from Yamapi's breasts, at the way the wet, thin cotton of his t-shirt stretches out over visible, hard nipples.

"Seriously," Pi grumbles. "Look at my face."

Yamapi shifts, accidentally tugging his t-shirt a little further up his side as he tries to cover himself, but he's too well-endowed. Crossing his arms over his chest has only made Yamapi's cleavage look more appealing, somehow. Jin licks his lips and glances up at his face finally, still gripping his own breasts.

Yamapi looks pretty angry. Jin has a hard time remembering seeing Yamapi this angry before. He thinks the only time that Yamapi has ever looked so ready to kill him might have been that night when Jin walked in on him reading porn. Pi's mother had let Jin in, and he'd barged directly into Yamapi's room without knocking or anything, only to find his best friend stretched out on his bed, one hand down his pants and gripping a magazine with the other.

That's when he recognizes the embarrassment in Pi's face.

"Seriously," Yamapi is saying, his voice becoming shriller and shriller. He's even starting to sound like a girl. "What are we going to do?"

Jin grasps his breasts, pushing them up a little higher and laughing as he does. "Why are you so upset? Calm down."

"WE HAVE BREASTS!" Yamapi squawks, staring down mournfully at his crossed arms and the cleavage between them. "I don't even know… How will we hide this-"

"Um," Jin says, shifting awkwardly against the couch cushion. The uncomfortable tingling in private areas has finally subsided, but it has been replaced with an even more uncomfortable… absence. "Pi?"

"Seriously," Yamapi continues gravely. "Seriously, it was hard enough to get rid of these the last time, and that was muscle. I think this will be harder, ne? What if the-"

"PI," Jin interrupts, dropping his hands to his crotch to confirm his worst, most horrible, suspicion.

Yamapi stops abruptly, his gaze following the movement of Jin's hands. He glances up at Jin with a look that's half confusion, half dawning terror. He drops his hands as well, and Jin watches the soft bounce of Yamapi's breasts even as he clutches his own very, very, very lacking crotch.

"BAKANISHI," Yamapi shouts, gripping his crotch and staring at Jin in wide-eyed terror. "BAKANISHI, LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE."

"Wait," Jin says, trying his best to remain calm. "Wait, I'm sure this will wear off."

"Wear off?!" Yamapi says, his voice squeaking unevenly. He really does sound like a girl now, and it reminds Jin of their junior days. He laughs. Yamapi scowls.

"Hey, listen," Jin says, scooting a little closer to Yamapi on the couch and smiling brightly in the face of Yamapi's horrified stare. "You like girls, right?"

"Baka~nishi-" Yamapi whines softly, dropping his stare to his crotch. "My… I…"

"Yamapi," Jin says calmly. He's close enough now to bump knees with Pi, and he moves his hand as casually as he can to rest it on Yamapi's thigh.

Yamapi looks up in blank surprise. "Ehh? Do you have an idea? Maybe if we sleep, ne? Maybe if we sleep it will-"

"Pi," Jin says, as huskily as he can manage. His voice sounds a little higher too, but it has the intended effect. Yamapi's gaze drops to Jin's hand, and then he's looking back up at Jin with a different sort of stare.

"Baka," Yamapi mumbles, embarrassment creeping into his tone. "What are you doing?"

"Haven't you ever thought," Jin begins, sliding his hand a little further up Yamapi's thigh. "About girls? Together?"

Yamapi's cheeks are turning pink, and he shifts against the couch, dropping his gaze to a neutral area of upholstery. "Baka," he repeats in a mumble, but he doesn't object.

Jin tightens his grip, lets his fingernails drag across the denim of Yamapi's inner thigh. "I know you have," he says, still trying for husky and coming up whispery. "I saw that magazine, remember?"

"EHH?" Yamapi asks suddenly, frantically, and Jin immediately realizes his mistake. Yamapi shoves back against the arm of the couch, as if he's trying to put space between them, but he'd already been sitting against the arm of the couch in the first place, so there's nowhere for him to go.

"Oh," Jin says, trying his best to be consoling. "Oh, it's okay! I used to read them too, I was just kidding when I called you a pervert and I'm really sorry I told-"

"Bakanishi!" Yamapi says, looking horrified, but Jin plunges on, clambering to his knees on the couch. He plants one knee on either side of Yamapi's lap, planning on sitting on Pi to keep him in place until Jin can finish explaining his idea-but then suddenly Jin's breasts are blocking out Yamapi's face, and then they're both laughing, lost in a fit of girlish giggles.

"Wait," Jin says, breathless between laughs. He's gripping Pi's shoulders to keep from falling, and he sits back a little, resting as much of his weight as he can on Yamapi's lap. Pi makes a small, irritated sound in the back of his throat, and Jin settles so that he can see Yamapi's face, so that they're chest to chest. "Wait, we should be serious about this."

Yamapi laughs again then, but Jin drops a hand-he can't help himself-sliding his fingers down to trace the curve of Yamapi's breast, his smooth, naked side, the top of his hipbone. Yamapi's laughter cuts off abruptly as Jin slides his fingers over wet fabric, tracing the swell of Yamapi's breast, touching the warm, exposed skin of his side. Yamapi jerks a little beneath him as Jin reaches his hipbone, and he lets out a small, soft sound. It's the kind of sound Jin has heard girls make before, usually in the midst of making out, usually against his mouth, when he's sliding his hands up their skirts and his tongue in their mouths. He feels the sharp intake of breath, feels the way Yamapi shifts a little underneath him, watches the way Yamapi chews his lower lip, the way his cheeks bloom pink.

Naturally, the next logical thing for Jin to do is kiss him-her-Yamapi.

Jin leans forward, into him, his fingers resting against Yamapi's hip as he kisses him. Pi resists at first-Jin can feel him tensing, feels Pi's lips tight against his, but then Jin traces the line of his hipbone, lets his fingers slip under the waist of Yamapi's jeans, and suddenly Yamapi's mouth is falling open against his, and Yamapi's hands are sliding up his side, tugging Jin's t-shirt up as Jin forces a hand between them, forces his fingers down the front of Yamapi's jeans.

They're lost in it now-Yamapi is moaning against Jin's open mouth, his palms rough against Jin's tits. Jin's t-shirt is useless now-Yamapi has shoved it impatiently up around his neck, like some sort of weird scarf with sleeves-and every time Jin presses close enough to feel Yamapi's wet shirt against his skin, he gasps into Pi's mouth. Jin's wrist is caught in Yamapi's jeans and boxers and his fingers barely brush against Yamapi's warm, wet, decidedly female privates. Yamapi squeaks, and Jin laughs, and they break for air with their foreheads pressed together.

"Jin-" Yamapi starts, his lips twisting into a frown, but it looks too much like a reprimand or a reconsideration, and Jin doesn't particularly want to hear the rest of it. He twists his wrist, lets his fingers dance across a little wet dip, and Yamapi makes another soft, audible squeak.

"You have to take off your jeans," Jin explains, feeling his way back up the hot slick skin. "I can barely touch you with them on."

Yamapi's not really any good at objecting-Jin can feel how wet he is, anyway, and Jin knows exactly what he needs. He forgets, for a moment, that he can't exactly take off his clothes and fuck Yamapi the way he'd normally fuck a girl, but he's still going to try.

Jin slides off of his lap and onto the floor, tugging Yamapi's jeans with him. He pulls his t-shirt the rest of the way off and laughs as he watches Pi struggle with the wet material of his t-shirt. He pulls Yamapi's boxers down as his head gets stuck in the shirt.

"EHHH," Yamapi says, somewhere under the shirt, but Pi's boxers are around his knees now and Jin is too busy marveling at what he's just uncovered to pay much attention to Yamapi's objections.

Jin has always been aware of Yamapi's cock the way he's been aware of, say, a piece of furniture in someone else's apartment. He knows it's there, he's had occasion to see it, and even if he's never had occasion to use it, or want to, finding that it's gone is a bit like going to someone's apartment and finding that they've moved, with no forwarding address, and painted the entire place maroon before they left.

Yamapi has finally freed himself from the t-shirt and he's staring down at Jin in embarrassment, awkwardly holding the t-shirt like he'd like to drape it across his chest or possibly drop it in his lap.

"Pi," Jin says, idly tugging the boxers down Yamapi's legs until they drop onto the floor. He scoots forward, positioning himself between Yamapi's legs, forcing Pi's knees apart enough to squeeze between them and sliding his hands up Yamapi's thighs. Yamapi makes a muffled noise, but Jin is focused on the task at hand. "You're seriously a girl."

Yamapi starts to mumble something, as Jin drapes himself across Yamapi's thighs, and Pi's just in the middle of saying something about pills when Jin leans in, close enough to smell him. Jin lets out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding and Yamapi inhales sharply, his mumble now completely lost. Jin slides a hand further up Yamapi's thigh, lets his fingers brush along Yamapi's pussy until they're slick, wet. He glances up at Yamapi, his face pink with embarrassment and stifled arousal, and Jin slides a wet finger in his mouth, sucks on it as he watches his friend.

Yamapi moans, and it's all Jin can take. He pushes forward, gripping Yamapi's thighs with slick fingers as he tastes him, kisses him, slides his tongue in and against Yamapi's pussy, swallows the taste of him as Yamapi moans, as his thighs clench around Jin, as he fists a hand in Jin's hair.

Suddenly, though, Yamapi freezes, and Jin hears another voice, a distinctly familiar, non-Yamapi non-girl voice.

"What the fuck," Ryo says. "Seriously, what the fuck."

Jin raises his face, licks his lips, and finds Ryo standing over them, staring down at them. Yamapi has his eyes shut tight, like maybe he'll disappear if he can't see himself, and Ryo looks like he might pass out. Yamapi doesn't know-can't know, not with his eyes closed-but Jin can see that all of Ryo's focus at the moment is on Yamapi's tits, on Yamapi's wanton expression, on Yamapi.

"Ryo-chan," Jin says coyly, because he'll be damned if Ryo thinks Yamapi makes a hotter girl. He props his elbows on the couch between Yamapi's knees, rests his chin in his hands, and smiles up at Ryo, tilting his head a little and licking his lips. "We got tired of waiting for you."

"Waiting… You… Seriously, what-"

Jin stands up, steps around the couch, and takes Ryo's hand, as if this is entirely normal, as if Ryo walking in on Yamapi and Jin having lesbian sex is an every day sort of thing. Ryo lets himself be led around the couch, his gaze still focused on Yamapi, and Jin pushes Ryo down onto the cushions, next to a mortified, cross-legged Yamapi. Now Ryo's staring at Jin's tits, in what looks like confused arousal. That's good enough for Jin.

Yamapi starts to hum, and Jin notices that the wet t-shirt has been pulled tight across his chest, which does nothing to hide it, and everything to bring attention to it. He's fidgeting nervously as if he hopes Ryo won't notice.

"You're…" Ryo starts to say.

"Ryo-chan," Jin interrupts. "Do you think Yamapi's hot?"

Ryo stares at him. It's the sort of stare he always gives Jin when Jin says something dumb, but unlike most times, Ryo's ears are turning a little red, and Jin thinks he's said something especially true.

"You can have us, if you want," Jin says boldly. Yamapi opens his eyes.

"EHHH? Jin, what are you-"

"I can't believe you retards," Ryo says, shifting a little on the couch.

As much as he shifts, though, he can't do much to hide the bulge in his jeans, and Jin smiles victoriously as he forces himself between Ryo and Pi. Yamapi mumbles something and moves to get up, but Jin catches hold of his wrist.

"Wait," Jin insists. "He wants us."

"I hope you're not talking about me," Ryo says. Jin gives him a sideways glance. Ryo is staring resolutely in the opposite direction, trying his best to look bored with the current situation. Jin, without preamble, lays a casual hand on Ryo's thigh, sliding his fingers against the denim until they're brushing the obvious bulge. Ryo tenses, freezes, and when he speaks, he sounds like he's gritting his teeth.

"What are you doing?"

"Who do you want more?" Jin asks.

Ryo turns at last, to glare at Jin, but his attention seems to pass Jin, his focus sliding right over Jin's shoulder to Yamapi. "You're even stupider than normal. Did the girl body-"

"It's my body," Yamapi mumbles in interruption, sounding depressed. "I'm a girl, ne."

Jin's not sure what to say to that, but Ryo seems to know. "Move," he says to Jin, and Jin obliges, sliding off the couch so that Ryo can close the distance between him and Pi. Ryo sits awkwardly beside Yamapi for a moment, as if he's not sure what to do, but then Pi glances up at him, a sad, embarrassed look, and Ryo slides an arm around his shoulders, pulling Yamapi into his lap. He flushes as his hands brush Yamapi's tits, but for the most part it seems platonic, like he's just trying to comfort his good, formerly male friend.

Jin squeezes himself between the two of them and the arm of the couch, and Yamapi lets the t-shirt fall as Jin takes his hand. Jin doesn't quite get why Yamapi is depressed over this-Jin can't imagine anything better than having tits and also having a best friend with tits.

He's not sure how it happens, how Ryo and Pi start kissing from such a sad moment, but they are then, Yamapi twisting against Ryo's shoulder, Ryo's arm sliding protectively across Yamapi's middle, Ryo's fingers slipping down Yamapi's thigh. They're kissing in total abandon now-wet, open-mouthed kisses that leave Jin feeling breathless.

Breathless and jealous.

He closes the space between them, releasing his grip on Yamapi's hand to slide his palm across Pi's stomach, pressing wet, open-mouthed kisses to Yamapi's breasts until Pi's fingers are tangling in his hair and Ryo's touching Jin's tits, and Yamapi is pushing back against Ryo, making small, soft moans as he moves against Ryo's hard-on. Yamapi wants to get fucked, and Jin has never heard anything hotter.

"Fuck him," Jin says without really meaning to, as he tongues Yamapi's nipple, slides a hand between Yamapi's thighs to feel how wet his best friend is.

Yamapi moans, and Ryo doesn't really need any more encouragement-suddenly Yamapi is tumbling out of Ryo's lap, into Jin's arms, and they're tangled up again in kisses and touching and nearly falling off the couch as Ryo stands, kicking off his jeans and tugging off his t-shirt, and Jin can't seem to keep his fingers out of Yamapi's pussy just like Yamapi can't seem to stop touching Jin's breasts.

The couch sinks underneath them as Ryo returns, and Jin breaks the kiss with Yamapi as he readies himself, shifting to his hands and knees as Ryo kneels behind him, waiting, gripping his cock in one hand and running another hand unsteadily over Yamapi's body. Ryo looks really, really, scared, even though his gaze is steady and his mouth is set. Ryo looks fucking terrified.

Yamapi twists against Jin, breaking a kiss to look back over his shoulder at Ryo. Yamapi trembles slightly against him, and Jin can tell that he's scared, too. Neither one of them is willing to admit it now, though.

"Ryo-chan," Yamapi says softly, in his sweet, pretty, girl voice. "Should I move? Is this okay?"

Jin slides a hand protectively across Yamapi's hip. Ryo swallows. "Y-yes," he grumbles, and Jin barely manages not to laugh at the squeak in his voice. If this were him and Ryo, or him and Yamapi, they wouldn't be sitting around talking about positions and looking scared, they'd be halfway to orgasm by now. But Ryo and Pi have always been weird, and they've always been even weirder with each other.

Jin slides down, and Yamapi moves up, so now he's underneath Pi, and Yamapi is kissing Jin again as Ryo starts to fuck him. Yamapi bites and moans and sighs as they're rocked with the force of it-Ryo's fucking him in a steady rhythm at first, shoving in deep and slow until Yamapi is practically mewling into Jin's mouth. But then the rhythm picks up, becomes more unsteady, more unrestrained. Yamapi is clawing at Jin's shoulders as Ryo fucks him in hard, short thrusts, and then Ryo's letting out a strangled noise, and he's collapsing against them, and Jin feels trapped.

"HEY," Jin says, when no one moves immediately. Yamapi mumbles something against Jin's shoulder, and a moment later, they're shifting-Ryo is falling back against the other arm of the couch and Yamapi is sliding down, hands clumsily cupping Jin's breasts as he presses sloppy kisses to Jin's stomach.

Yamapi stops when his lips skate over Jin's bellybutton, pauses at the waistband of Jin's boxers, and Jin twists a little beneath him in anticipation. Still, he's not prepared for the sudden wet heat of Yamapi's mouth against the thin cotton as Pi mouths him through his boxer shorts.

Yamapi moans softly against him, and Jin jerks a little, digging his fingers into the couch cushion and staring down at the way Yamapi looks, his face flushed, his hair messy, his eyes half-closed and his mouth buried in folds of cotton. Yamapi slides a hand down Jin's hip, traces the line of it and stops the steady, agonizing progression of his fingers at the slit in Jin's shorts. Jin bites his lip furiously as Yamapi slides his fingers inside, nearly screams when Yamapi starts to touch him with light, teasing strokes of his fingertips and oh, fuck, Jin has never felt anything like that before. He understands now, why girls are always sliding their fingers down and touching themselves even when-

Yamapi shifts, tugs on the shorts until he's pulled them down around Jin's thighs. He grins up at Jin, and then he's kissing his way closer and closer to where his fingers are still teasing Jin, still barely touching him, still making him squirm against the couch. Yamapi's mouth meets Jin's clit and his fingers slide down as he starts to work his tongue, and Jin nearly shrieks.

"Ungh," Jin manages to say. He'd meant to say something like 'please don't stop' or maybe 'you should fuck me with your fingers' or 'never move your mouth and fingers away from where they are right now'.

Yamapi laughs, shifts his wrist to rub more fervently against Jin as he furthers the efforts of his tongue, and Ryo makes a choked, breathless sound behind him. That's when it occurs to Jin that Ryo's watching them, watching this, and somehow that's what pushes him over the edge.

The aftershocks seem to go on forever, but Yamapi kisses him, touches him through all of it, and then he's sliding back up to press wet, messy kisses to Jin's mouth, and Jin wonders if he'll always taste like this. He likes the way he tastes, as a girl.

"Baka," Yamapi mumbles, dropping his weight and ducking his head against Jin's shoulder. Jin blinks wearily at Ryo, who's staring at them from the other end of the couch as if he's trapped in some sort of hallucination.

He closes his eyes, supposes he can sleep even with Yamapi's elbow digging into his side, even with his knees bent to keep from kicking Ryo, but Yamapi mumbles against his shoulder then, before Jin has a chance to drift off.

"Maji de," Pi says, lifting his face from Jin's shoulder and glancing sleepily back at Ryo. "What's for breakfast?"

pin, ryopin, porn, femslash

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